- typeof,编译时获取表达式类型运算符,是gcc编译器的一个扩展(intel编译器 也支持). 笔者最近作一个项目时需要用比较hack的手段把第三方的dll(无lib但有头文件)里面的外部函数以函数指针的方式提取出来给其他模块作全局变量用,500多个函数呀,声明函数指针可不是个轻松事,类型名字至少排满一行,写了50多个就受不了了. 找了boost的typeof,把里面的代码大幅度简化,提炼,去掉一些依赖.请使用TYPEOF宏,无任何运行时开销。 本版本利用了vc6的1个bug(子类
- During his long sea voyages, Captain Cook was often absent in the evenings and eventually the crew began to joke that he must have a mistress in his cabin. When they discovered that the Captain had simply been playing this game with the ship s scien
- 终于重头开始写完自己的解释器了,中途多次改变了实现机理,多次改变采用的结构体,最终实现了轻便快速的类C解释器。程序很好理解,对刚开始写解释器的朋友很有帮助,可以学习其中的实现方式和一些比较好的想法。程序还不完善,可以自己修改。-Finally start to finish his explanation, repeatedly changed the implement mechanism in the Middle, change multiple times using structs,
- 易语言源码,情人节可以哄哄老婆和女友,自己试试,哈哈,我就不多说了。-Easy language source code, Valentine' s Day can fool his wife and girlfriend, for yourself, ha ha, I will not say more.
- 1) Write a C++ program that receives a single letter and prints out the corresponding digit on the telephone. The letters and digits on a telephone are grouped this way: (30 points) 2= ABC 3 = DEF 4 = GHI 5 = JKL 6 = MNO 7 = PRS 8 = TUV 9 = WXY
- 在油田开发地质研究工作中,测井曲线是必不可少的数据文件之一。Forward软件是测井软件中非常优秀的产品,Forward中使用的是wis二进制格式,可是很多其他类型的软件不能直接识别wis格式,所以需要我们将wis格式文本格式。Forward软件有一个transfer小软件,不能实现批量处理,每次只能转换一个文件,但实际工作中通常一次要转换上百个文件,这就有点不方便了,因此,我在业余时间,阅读了Forward软件中自带的wis格式说明(如下,第一章内容),利用C++和Python编写了一个可以批
- 自己整理的关于卡尔曼滤波的一些经典论文,资料和程序,对于初学卡尔曼滤波的人有很大的帮助。-His finishing some classic papers about kalman filtering, data and programs, for beginners of kalman filter has a lot of help.
- his program has read and write routines for the 68HC11 to interfaceto the AD7715 and the sample program sets the various registers and then reads 1000 samples the part.-his program has read and write routines for the 68HC11 to interfaceto the AD7715