- 这是个自己写的一个此法分析器,头次写这个,希望大家赏脸。-this is the one to write his law analyzer, the first time to write this, we hope obliged to say something.
- 一个类c++语言解释器,由一位国外c++大师所作,喜欢脚本脚本语言的可以-a Class C language interpreter, by a master of his foreign c, like the scr ipt scr ipting language can s
- 为了实现的编译程序实用,源程序可采用自由书写格式,即一行内可以书写多个语句,一个语句也可以占领多行书写;标识符的前20个字符有效;整数用2个字节表示;长整数用4个字节表示。这样词法分析程序的主要工作为: (1)从源程序文件中读入字符。 (2)统计行数和列数用于错误单词的定位。 (3)删除空格类字符,包括回车、制表符空格。 (4)按拼写单词,并用(种别,单词)二元式表示。 (5)根据需要是否填写标识符表供以后各阶段使用。 这里采用的编译程序的实现方法是一遍扫描,即从左到右只
- vb反编译软件,比较好用。32位。不过我没有用过。自己试验-vb anti-compiler software, better quality. 32. However, I am not used. His trial
- 词法分析程序 程序当前目录里自己建立一个文本文档,取名为infile.txt,所有需要分析的程序都写在此文本文档里,程序的结尾以\"@\"标志符结束。运行词法分析程序,程序结果输出到文件名为outfile.txt的文件中,此文件为自动生成。-lexical analysis Procedure current directory to establish his own version of a document, named infile.txt, all need to analyze th
- 吴伟民版编译原理课件,里面有许多课堂上讲过的习题,还有他自己独有的课件,与清华版不相同的,还有课后补充题与答案-Compiler Construction Principles吴伟民version of courseware, there are a number of classroom exercises mentioned, as well as his own unique courseware, and Tsinghua version is not the same, there a
- 我写了个小程序,但是没有对他做语法分析,只是简单的写出了赋值语句的3地址码。-I wrote a small program, but no analysis of his syntax, but simply write the assignment of the 3 address code.
- java反编译器,将.class文件转化成.java文件,有兴趣学习源码的朋友会需要他的-Decompiler java to. class files into. java files, are interested in learning the source of his friends will need to
- 语法分析是编译过程的核心部分。他的任务是在词法分析识别单词符号串的基础上,分析并判断程序的的语法结构是否符合语法规则。语言的语法结构是用上下文无关文法描述的。因此语法分析器的工作的本质上就是按文法的产生式,识别输入符号串是否为一个句子。对于一个文法,当给你一串符号是,如何知道它是不是该文法的一个句子,这是这个课程设计所要解决的一个问题。-Syntax analysis is the core of the compiler process. His task is to identify the
- SiC8051F配置向导,让开发就是如此之简单,只需增加自己单位,不用太关心单片机硬件。-SiC8051F configuration wizard to enable the development that is so simple, just increase his own unit, should not be too concerned about the microcontroller hardware.
- 可能是流传最广、最为经典的样板作品,Pascal语言之父、图灵奖获得者Niklaus Wirth在其名著Algorithms + Data Structures = Programs第5章给出的一个递归下降预测分析器实现。毫无疑问,它是用Pascal语言编写的。该编译器生成的目标语言是p-code,一台p- code虚拟机有3个寄存器(程序计数器、基本寄存器和栈顶寄存器)和8条指令(每条指令有多种形式)。-May be the most widely accepted model for the
- typeof,编译时获取表达式类型运算符,是gcc编译器的一个扩展(intel编译器 也支持). 笔者最近作一个项目时需要用比较hack的手段把第三方的dll(无lib但有头文件)里面的外部函数以函数指针的方式提取出来给其他模块作全局变量用,500多个函数呀,声明函数指针可不是个轻松事,类型名字至少排满一行,写了50多个就受不了了. 找了boost的typeof,把里面的代码大幅度简化,提炼,去掉一些依赖.请使用TYPEOF宏,无任何运行时开销。 本版本利用了vc6的1个bug(子类
- free pascal 解释器源程序来的。这是他的v0.2 v0.9 的早期源带码来和他 v2.2_Mips cpu在的源带码和linux下可执行文件。 -free pascal source code to the interpreter. This is his early v0.2 v0.9 source code to bring him v2.2_Mips cpu with the source code and executable files under linux.
- 编译软件在进程中的应用和编写技巧,进攻参考,多多包含-static in the are of too ben have his mathere static in the are of too ben have his mathere
- 这个是英特尔的高级项目经理自己开发的CPU模拟软件,被我从他的个人主页淘来和大家分享!这款仿真器,仿真PC指令运行机制,可以从中学习指令调度以及如何写汇编器。-This is a senior project manager of Intel' s own CPU simulation software developed by my Amoy from his personal home page to share with you! The simulation, simulation
- 此份文档是关于编译原理,他以龙书的章节为主线,介绍了编译原理的基本内容-These documents are compiled on the principle of his main line of the dragon book chapters, introduces the basic content of compiler theory
- 本程序是编译原理中的词法分析的一个例子程序。他主要实现整个程序中的所有关键字、变量名等的识别。-Principle of the program is to compile an example of lexical analysis program. His main achievement of the whole process all the keywords, variable names and other identification.
- I have written this program to make it easy for anyone to make computer graphics based structrual design of simple compounds. (User can also make very complex chemical structures but he/she will need a clear idea of 3D geometry and some basic trigno
- It is Made startgoora His Blog is http://blog.naver.com/startgoora This Program is Semi VB Decompiler