- 本程序是基于模板匹配的语音识别技术。提取语音的特征,并建立模板库。可以将语音识别技术应用于机器人-This procedure is based on template matching speech recognition technology. Extraction of speech features, and the establishment of the template library. Speech recognition technology can be applied to
- Abslmel-For cooperative work of robots and humans in real world, a communicative function based on speech is indispensable for mbots. To realize such a function in a noi
- 语音识别,还记得星球大战里的那个总陪在主人身边听话的智能机器人么?拥有了听和说的技能,在那个时候这还是人们的想象,但是今天我们就可以来实现它!-Speech recognition, remember that Star Wars always there for my master obedient robots around it? Have a listening and speaking skills, at the time this is the people' s imagi
- 语音识别在智能机器人中的应用,用于WINDOWs编程-Speech recognition applications in intelligent robots, programmed for WINDOWs
- 基于关键词识别的机器人的语音导航报告 第一章 语音识别基础知识 第二章 基于关键词识别机器人的使用说明-Based on keywords recognition of the robot voice navigation report The first chapter speech recognition to the basic knowledge The second chapter based on keywords recognition that