- ICTCLAS的JNI调用接口文件: Title:ICTCLAS Caller * <p>Descr iption:do chinese word segmentation.don t change the pakage and CLASS name, orelse you can t use it. * 请不要改变包名、类名以及native的方法名,否则调用将失效。 * 由于ICTCLAS本身存在很多鲁棒性问题,调用segSentence时,strin
- 一个详细的汉字编码介绍以及判断汉字编码的程序代码。不知道有没有人曾经为汉字的编码问题头疼不已?这篇文档讲述了GB2312-80、GBK、Unicode编码、Big5编码的规律,并给出了判断一个汉字为GBK和Big5码的VB代码程序。-a detailed descr iption and a Chinese character coding judgment Chinese character coding procedure code. Do not know whether any of t
- 中科院的分词程序说明,缺少此文档的可以看看看。-CAS-word descr iption of the processes, the lack of this document can watch to see.
- 该程序用VHDL硬件描述语言编写而成,已调试通过,程序运行后可实现三分频,这样就用软件设计代替了硬件设计,方便,稳定,不需要硬件调试!-the procedures used VHDL hardware descr iption language, prepared debugging has passed, After running third frequency can be realized, so software designed to replace the hardware de
- 多国语言规范,微软官方描述,非常有用的PDF文件-Multi-language specification, Microsoft' s official descr iption, a very useful PDF documents
- 在LabVIEW中实现多语种用户界面转换的实用例程 LabVIEW Versions: Created with LabVIEW 9.0-Descr iption PassaMak is an API for realising multi-lingual user interfaces in labview. Overview: PassaMak is an alternative to the established methods of creating mult
- 1 本程序说明了用概率法猜测“人名”的一般过程 2 用户可以修改config.ini文件中的值 3 用于测试的三个文件中: test1是小学语文课本语料 test2是按句分行的语料 test3是包含歧义串的语料-A descr iption of the procedures for using the probability method guess " names" the general course of 2 users can modify
- 一个比较简单的中文分词的C++代码,word文档,里面的C++代码在VisualStudio2008中调试通过,有详细说明。-A relatively simple Chinese word segmentation of the C++ code, word document, which the C++ code in debug VisualStudio2008 passed, there is a detailed descr iption.
- 关于红外通讯的描述,希望对大家帮助,相互学习资源共享-With regard to the descr iption of infrared communication, I hope all of you to help and learn from each other sharing of resources
- 这是一个100 %纯Java库,您可以使用适用于N元 分析技术的过程分为文本文件。 该计划包括几个不同的分类算法, namelly 支持向量机,贝叶斯Logistic回归,神经网络分类和文本压缩 算法。如支持向量机和贝叶斯Logistic回归,一个 “一对一” 用于多类分类。更详细的说明这些学习算法和可用的选项,请提供的javadocs 。-It is a 100 pure Java library that you can use to apply N-Gr
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- 82c55芯片资料的详细功能、包含内容说明,和用法-82c55 chip of detail features, including the content descr iption, and usage, etc.
- 考勤系统简单说明:用于简单考勤,代码是用C++所写,仅供参考学习-Attendance System brief descr iption: for simple attendance, the code is written in C++ for reference purposes only learn
- 节目描述,用来著录电视节目的关键信息和内容-Program Descr iption
- Why your files are not be used? 1.The content is too simple 2.Is not a sourcecode or document 3.lost some files 4.Descr iption is not detailed or not correct 5.Compressed file has password 6.Sourcecode duplicate or already exist
- 说明:主要集中在命名实体识别和实体关系抽取两个方面,将先进的机器学习算 法和全新的理论方法一全信息理论运用到我们的整个研究过程中。-Descr iption: The main focus on named entity recognition and entity extraction between the two aspects of advanced machine learning algorithms and new theoretical methods of informat
- 说明:基于条件随机场模型的实体关系识别,内含条件随机场的理论介绍以及该理论应用于实体关系识别的实验及实验分析 -Note: Based on Conditional Random Fields model entity-relationship recognition, implied condition of the theoretical descr iption with the airport, as well as the theory is applied to entity-r
- 微风留言本 v1.3版 发布时间:2009年8月9日 v1.3版简介: 1.增加了悄悄话功能,并可以后台设定是否开启此功能 2.增加了样式表预览功能,以及样式表选择功能 3.后台登陆增加“Remember Me”选项 4.修正验证码字母区分大小写 5.对样式表进行了修正整理 6.修正了有些特别情况下无法安装的问题 安装说明:将程序传到空间,如果使用unix类的服务器,请将config.inc.php文件属性设置为0777,windows主机省略次步骤。访问in
- 基于python自然语言处理包,有对应的英文书籍详细描述了该包的用途,非常方便。-Python-based natural language processing package, a detailed descr iption of the corresponding English books, the use of the package is very convenient.
- algorithm descr iption