- 并行计算方法的详细介绍,深入浅出的介绍了并行计算方法的实现和应用,是研究并行计算方法的同志们必看的书。-parallel computing detailed descr iption of the methods and simple introduction to the method of parallel computing to achieve and applications, research on Parallel Computation comrades Watchable b
- 数字系统设计这是有关的相关源代码,有简易CPU 除法器、计数器等 ...[fpdiv_vhdl.rar] - 四位除法器的vhdl源程序 [vhdl范例.rar] - 最高优先级编码器8位相等比较器 三人表决器(三种不同的描述方式) 加法器描述 8位总线收发器:74245 (注2) 地址译码(for m68008) 多路选择器(使 BR> ... -Digital System Design This is the underlying source code, a simple C
- 本代码为周伟明著的《多核计算与程序设计》一书所对应的源代码, 书中,有对本项目中各种数据结构与算法源代码的详细描述。 并且在《多核计算与程序设计》一书的附录中,有本项目各个源文件和书中的章节对照表。-The code for Wei-Ming Zhou of the " multi-core computing and programming," a book by the corresponding source code, the book, there are a
- VHDL编写的,实现电子手表功能,硬件语言描写,定时非常准确,VHDL prepared, electronic watches, functions, hardware descr iption languages, timing is very accurate
- Descr iption: Implements a MPI ray tracing renderer. Uses preprocessor directives to allow for either MPI or non-MPI sequential functionality. By setting USE_MPI to zero, the program can be run in a non-MPI environment.-Descr iption: Implements a MPI
- 并行计算程序 Descr iption: This program blurs an image file in a parallelized computation The root process reads the file and distributes a part of the image file to other processes. Each process makes the filter operation on the part of the image
- 主要还是让A(i,j) B(i,j)进行移动A(i,i+j),B(i+j,j),然后进能直接相乘。具体的内容可以看并行算法导论,-Matrix multiplication with the Cannon Algorithm: The Cannon Algorithm for matrix multiplication was presented in the course “Parallel and Distributed Algorithms “by Dr. Klauck. Sh
- Why your files are not be used? 1.The content is too simple 2.Is not a sourcecode or document 3.lost some files 4.Descr iption is not detailed or not correct 5.Compressed file has password 6.Sourcecode duplicate or already exist
- Descr iption: This Program Performs the following: (1) Animates the movement of a Billiard Ball on a table that has a surface friction (mu) and coefficient of restitution (e) for the sides and saves it as an AVI file. (2) Outputs series of row
- Why your files are not be used? 1.The content is too simple 2.Is not a sourcecode or document 3.lost some files 4.Descr iption is not detailed or not correct 5.Compressed file has password 6.Sourcecode duplicate or already exist
- 统计选票:选票统计问题介绍 假设现有一个10个人100行的...由于涉及演示结果进行显示,则需使用C语言的图形函数功能实现本设计,还需用到C语言的文件函-Statistics ballots: votes Statistics descr iption assumes that the current 100 line of a 10-person ... involves a demonstration of the results to display, you need to use th
- 本书向读者介绍了分布式系统特有的有关设计方面的一些内容。本书着重于设计的软件部分,因为大部分相应的硬件部分在许多有关计算机网络和并行计算机的教科书中都已得到很好的介绍。这本书中的所有高级设计和算法都使用建议的类CSP分布式控制描述语言(DCDL)表示(CSP代表通信顺序进程)。虽然这本书不可能覆盖分布式计算系统的所有问题,但我们的目标在于给出有关每个涉及到的问题的基本方面。-This book introduces readers to the unique distributed system
- file about nios descr iption
- 一本全面介绍近年来并行计算研究进展的著作,其综合性很强,适合有专业背景的学者阅读。-A comprehensive descr iption of recent progress in parallel computing works, and its very complex, suitable for a professional background in academic reading.
- 并行计算中的cannon算法描述,采用C & openMPI库来执行算法,在矩阵大小100内效果显著-Cannon in the parallel computing algorithm descr iption, the use of C & openMPI library to perform algorithm, matrix size 100 results are obvious within
- 详细的kmp并行算法实现源代码,在机群系统上适用,并附加详细的算法说明-Kmp parallel algorithm in detail the source code for the cluster systems, and additional details of the algorithm descr iption
- 并行计算的详细介绍,适合入门的学者看看哦,很详细的啦-Detailed descr iption of parallel computing, for entry of scholars to see Oh, very detailed friends
- 详细的kmp并行算法实现源代码,在机群系统上适用,并附加详细的算法说明-Kmp parallel algorithm in detail the source code for the cluster systems, and additional details of the algorithm descr iption
- 云计算的经典书籍,Hadoop书籍是入门的典籍,详细的介绍了分布式理论和相关的操作-Classic books for cloud computing, Hadoop books classics of the entry, a detailed descr iption of the distributed theory and related operations
- 详细描述linux下多线程编程技术,希望对大家能有所帮助-Detailed descr iption linux multithreaded programming techniques