- it contains many classic Test Problems for Unconstrained Optimization such as camel6,treccani,goldstein,branin, shubert1,Ackley,dejong,dejong1,dejong2, dpower,rastrigin,Griewangk,Schwefel, rosenbrock2 and step. the package have the contour an
- 国家联邦:两个线程交互,互相获取各自人口信息并实时显示。-National Federation: two threads interact with each other to get each demographic information and real-time display.
- Windows多线程编程实例的多线程处理,一个简单的区间积分函数的实现。-Multi Thread programming project for multi thread Process。It s a simple example for get random returns a random integer between min and max data.
- 并行计算程序 Descr iption: This program blurs an image file in a parallelized computation The root process reads the file and distributes a part of the image file to other processes. Each process makes the filter operation on the part of the image
- cuda资料,对于并行编程很有帮助!该资料描述了cuda的基本信息,以及重要的步骤,让您逐渐上手,轻松掌握cuda并行编程。-cuda information useful for parallel programming! The information describes the cuda s basic information, as well as an important step, so that gradually you get started, easy to master p
- 介绍NVIDIA s GT200 GPU的硬件架构,以及CUDA编程模型与GPU硬件实现之间的联系,是理解CUDA运行机理的一篇好文章!-The architeture of NVIDIA s GT200 GPU was Introduced in this paper, And the relationship between CUDA and GPU hardware was indicated. We could get more details of CUDA process in th
- 介绍CUDA架构的PPT,内容翔实丰富,是您了解和入门的最佳选择。-CUDA framework introduced PPT, informative, is your best choice to understand and get started.
- 查看CUDA的设备,并得到gou相关信息,适用于新手-View CUDA' s equipment, and get gou information, suitable for beginners
- 使用MPI库的并行求一组连续整数中有多少素数程序-a program to get the numbers of how many primes in a set of natural numbers with mpi library
- 收入计算器...输入收入,税率,可算出应得收入-wage calculator...enter wage,tax rate, calculates wages you are gonna get
- This book is for students and researchers who are interested in scientific computation. The book has a dual purpose: first, it is a textbook for a course on parallel scientific computation. Second, the book is a source of example parallel algorithms
- 该运行实例中,令文本串长度为7,随机产生的文本串为0010100,分布在3个节点上;模式串长度为2,随机产生的模式串为01。最后,节点0和1上分别得到一个匹配位置。 -The running instance, so that the text string length of seven randomly generated text string is 0.0101 million, distributed in three nodes the pattern string of le
- 从磁盘中的txt文件中读取数据,并对数据进行均方根计算,并进行粗大误差剔除-Txt file from the disk to read data, and calculated the root mean square data, and the gross error removed
- LBM方法的CPU实现,能正常运行,LBM是计算流体力学的一种新方法,它基于动理学模型,利用分布函数来描述由粒子组成的离散系统,通过计算机并行计算得到流场的各种参数-The realization the LBM method of CPU run correctly, LBM is a new method for computational fluid dynamics, based on the kinetic model using the distribution function d
- 用CORDIC算法,通过角度旋转,实现ATAN,最后得到角度和幅度-CORDIC algorithm, by the angle of rotation, ATAN and finally get the angle and amplitude
- OpenMP的LU分解程序,很多人都没搞懂LU分解的实质,其实程序很简单易懂-OpenMP LU decomposition program, a lot of people did not get to know the essence of the LU decomposition, in fact, the procedure is very simple and easy to understand
- 计算一个整数的二进制表示中1的个数,该算法循环的次数只与整数的二进制表示中1的个数有关。相比与循环遍历所有位的方法,该算法在一般情况下能够大幅减少循环的次数,提升效率。 比如我们可以用一个整数做标识位,64位整数最多可以对应64个状态,可以用这个函数获取当前有效状态的个数-Calculate an integer number of the binary representation of the number of 1' s, this algorithm the numbe
- 最简单的矩阵并行计算方法,很简单 调用CUDA计算得到的 非常简单-The easiest parallel matrix calculation method is very simple call to get a very simple calculation CUDA
- Hadoop HDFS文件系统操作例程。功能包括:获取HDFS指定目录下所有文件列表,打印输出 递归遍历目录 上传本地文件到HDFS 在HDFS上Hadoop HDFS文件系统例程。功能包括:创建文件夹 创建HDFS文件 读取HDFS文件内容 重命名HDFS文件 删除HDFS文件及目录 查看HDFS文件是否存在 获取HDFS中指定目录中的文件列表. -Hadoop HDFS file system operations routine. Features include: HDFS to get
- Get Start it isr too important maste