- 为了改善数字通信系统的传输质量,提高数字通信系统传输的可靠性引入信道编码。信道编码是扩频通信的关键技术之一,是解决信号在信道中无差错传输的技术。-In order to improve the transmission quality and reliability of the digital communication system, channel coding is proposed. Channel Encoding technology is one of the key techn
- 航天器轨道外推代码(FORTRAN95/2003科学计算与工程,宋叶志),旨在介绍常微分方程处置问题的应用。-Spacecraft orbit extrapolation code (FORTRAN95/2003 scientific computing and engineering, Sung YE), aims to introduce the ordinary differential equation of the disposal of the application.
- 卫星定初轨的Gibbs三位置矢量法,旨在介绍物理学中的Gibbs,以便熟悉其提出的三位置矢量定初轨方法。-Satellite initial orbit Gibbs three-position vector method, aims to introduce the Gibbs physics to become familiar with its three position vector given the initial orbit methods.
- This monograph aims at giving an extensive treatment of modeling issues, design methodologies and implementation aspects, arising when the adaptive control theory is applied to nodal voltage control in power systems.
- We present a methodology for the analysis and the uation of the electrical effects of partial shadings on a PV array. This methodology is namely developed in a pedagogic tool of the software PVsyst, which aims to explain how a shaded cell or grou
- 智睿录取查询报名系统是定位教育招生开发的系统,专业针对的大专院校,职业技术学校,培训大中专学校及民办教育,培训机构开发招生录取在线查询系统和在线报名系统,为综合一体学校办公查询系统。系统针对当前教育行业的定位开发,增强了系统的针对性和易用性。-Zhirui admission query registration system is the system of enrollment and the orientation of the development of education in Co
- VRP指一定数量的客户,各自有不同数量的货物需求,配送中心向客户提供货物,由一个车队负责分送货物,组织适当的行车路线,目标是使得客户的需求得到满足,并能在一定的约束下,达到诸如路程最短、成本最小、耗费时间最少等目的(VRP refers to a certain number of customers, each with different amount of demand for goods distribution center to provide goods to customers