- 安装说明 QLDBGrid 说明 QLDBLookupComboBox 说明 QLDBReportBuilder 说明 QLDBFilterDialog 说明 安装说明 ======== 使用“File\\Open... 菜单项打开 Lib 目录下的组件包 QLL60.dpk (Delphi 6) 或 QLL70.dpk (Delphi 7)。在包管理器窗口点击“Compile”按钮来编译包,然后点击“Install”按钮来注册组件包。 -ins
- 这个原创项目用在一个分拣系统中。可以通过它学习如何提取机器有效特征码,并且使用高强度的加密算法加密。最后发布序列号。对于做软件发布加密解密的朋友应该非常有参考价值。仅供学习,请勿用于商业目的。-the original item used in a sorting system. It can learn how to extract effective Scan machines, and the use of high-strength encryption algorithm encryp
- OPC服务器及客户端编程,可动态产生组及数据项。,OPC server and client programming, can be dynamically generated group and data item.
- 一个DELPHI下的菜单构件,菜单设计后可以直接生成XML文件,主程序可从XML文件内读取菜单项。-DELPHI under a menu component, menu design can directly generate XML documents, the main program can be read from the XML document menu item.
- ComboBox with CheckListBox When you check/uncheck an item this is added/removed in the visual part of combo. It has also a popup with Select all, unSelect all items with other additions-ComboBox with CheckListBox When you check/uncheck an i
- Delphi2009破解 If you install delphi2009,you need use Delphi2009crack to complete your install.plase install this pragam and chose item and do as this .-If you install delphi2009,you need use Delphi2009crack to complete your install.plase install this
- 自定义系统的About项 自定义系统的About项 -About Custom System of a custom system to customize the system About the About item
- AFCompWzrd.zip ] Freeware [ With Source ] [ D6 D7 ] This is a redone from MAS-CompMaker (copyright # 2000 by Mats Asplund.) This wizard integrates nice with the Delphi IDE. It puts a new item in the Component menu called New AFComponents... and i
- // BinaryHeap class // CONSTRUCTION: with an optional capacity (that defaults to 100) // // ******************PUBLIC OPERATIONS********************* // void insert( x ) --> Insert x // deleteMin( minItem ) --> Remove (and optionally r
- Moving item in listview
- 可简化各类菜单操作的编程工作量,包括: (1)可指定弹出菜单的位置 (2)可自动采集指定文件夹(如:桌面、收藏夹、我的文档、开始菜单、发送到、)里的文件,供选择操作 (3)可增加“最近打开的文件”菜单项 (4)可快速切换不同语言的菜单项 (5)可编辑、增加内置系统菜单 (6)可动态增减菜单项 (7))含源码、Demo,上手快! 3、AtPack (1)可设置不同程序外观,历年的《电脑报阅读系统》都使用了这个控件! (2)含源码、Demo,上手快! -S
- This component is a Google Chrome style TTabSet component for Delphi. Required: - Delphi GDI+ API (http://www.progdigy.com/files/gdiplus.zip) Features: - Show icon in tab items - Gradient color tab and component background -
- HTFGather3 是一款专为CSDN、博客园网友定制的技术论坛、博客等专业性的RSS阅读器,并将相关主题的数据内容下载到本地数据库,供用户方便存档,技术收集,查询搜索相关的技术贴子、博客的数据,从而使用户,可更快捷,更好的节省浏览论坛、博客的时间。 HTFGather3同时也可当作一个RSS阅读器使用,订阅其他非技术网站的贴子将不下载数据到本地数据库,只存储XML的Item信息。 系统要求:目前只支持Windows操作系统(2000、XP、2003) -HTFGather3
- If you don t know how to use the ListBox of Delphi this source code will help you. It shows how to delete an item or just unselect it.
- hook function procedure HookWindow(hWnd: HWND) var Item: PItem begin if FindWindowProc(hWnd, HandleList) = nil then begin GetMem(Item,Sizeof(TItem)) Item.hWnd:= hWnd Item.Next:= HandleList Item.WndProc:= Pointer(Set
- 为花刺代理所写,为它收集含有源IP地址的网页,自动写到source.dat文件中。-the source is for the soft, named ProxyThorn, gather the webpage that include proxy IP item, then write to the file source.dat , that file ProxyThorn need
- 提供方便绚丽的菜单设计,主要为初学者提供方法和思路-Facilitate brilliant menu design, the main methods and ideas for beginners
- After first run, if you right-click on an "Network Neighborhood" or "My Network Places" in Windows Explorer, you will see an additional menu item with the title "Scan with NetView". Selecting this option will automatically load NetView.
- Delphi:Delphi Mode属性用法举例,实例以一个MEDIAPLAYER播放组件为例来说明Delphi中的Mode属性的具体用法,单击播放按钮后单击“功能”菜单项,显示当前状态。 -Delphi: Delphi Mode attribute usage, for example, in the instance of a MEDIAPLAYER playback component Delphi example to illustrate the specific use of t
- Delphi在系统默认的窗口菜单中添加自定义菜单项,在窗体标题栏的右键菜单中添加自定义菜单,这个源码功能主要是演示这一功能如何实现,超简单,面向Delphi的基础学者。-Delphi add custom menu item in the window menu by default system, add a custom menu in the window title bar and right-click menu, the source function is mainly to sh