- 一:排列的的规程序 二:迷宫程序 三:对于输入的任意一个非负十进制整数,打印输出与其等值的八进制数 四:利用模式串T的next函数求T在主串S中第pos个字符之后的位置的KMP算法 五:将所有在线性表Lb中但不在La中的数据元素插入到La中
- IMLibrary 2 源码IMLibrary 是可以用来开发一个完整功能的即时通信软件库。 喜欢就下吧,源码仅用于学习或研究。 未经本人允许,严禁任何组织与个人将其用于商业用途!-IMLibrary 2 source IMLibrary can be used to develop a full-featured instant messaging software library. Like on the next bar, source study or research only
- 完整的在DOS下生成菜单条(Menu Item)功能的代码-Complete the next generation in the DOS menu bar (Menu Item) function code
- 单总线多点测温系统,单总线它采用单根信号线既传输时钟又传输数据,而且数据传输是双向的它具有节省I/O 口线资源结构简单成本低廉便于总线扩展和 维护等诸多优点。本系统中所有的DS18B20都接在单片机的P1.1口上。用一个液晶屏显示,从单片机P3口接上8个开关,与右边的DS18B20 编号对应。当没有开关按下时屏幕显示"which NO you want press which key",要想看那一点处的温度就按下几号键(点击key右边的小红 点,按一下弹下,
- 一开始任选一个正整数作为报数上限值m,从第一个人开始按顺时针方向自1开始顺序报数,报到m时停止报数。报m的人出列,将他的密码作为新的m值,从他在顺时针方向上的下一个人开始重新从1报数,如此下去,直到所有人全部出列为止。试设计一个程序求出出列顺序。-Choose a positive integer beginning as reported upper limit of the number of m, starting from the first person clockwise order
- 用51的串口实现密码功能,上位机通过串口发送密码给下位机,下位机判断是否为设定的密码-Password function with 51 serial ports, host computer through the serial port to send the password to the next bit machine, the next bit machine to determine whether the set password
- 多功能多段线,类似于测量上的支导线功能,可以输入转角、距离确定下一顶点。-Multifunctional polyline, similar measurements on Traverse function, you can enter the corner, determine the next vertex distance.
- 把form1中的 Private Sub Form_Load() 改为 Public Sub Form_Load() 在Form2中:Call Form1.Form_Load private sub command1_click() dim max for i = 1 to 3 n=val(inputbox("输入第" & i & "个数")) if n>max then
- 工作人员在按照作业指导书逐项完成后,提交工作票,即可自动更新操作了的设备的相关状态属性,以及屏柜内部的具体情况信息,以便下次开票作为参考依据和以后对工作的责任认定。- Staff one by one and follow the instructions to complete the job, submit job tickets, you can automatically update the status of the relevant properties of the devi
- The predefined outcomes for a SimpleActionState are succeeded , aborted or preempted . The next step is to construct the overall state machine using these outcomes and states:
- n our current state machine we decided to move on to the next state even if the current transition had to be aborted. But it might be useful to keep a count of how often a goal was successful. For example, if this were a patrol robot and the succ