- 是一本介绍java基础应用的好书 Java For Artists targets both the undergraduate computer science or information technology student and the practicing programmer. It is both an introductory-level textbook and trade book. As a textbook it employs learning o
- If you d like to create web-based applications easily, then this book is for you. More importantly, it shows you how to do that with joy and feel good about your own work! You don t need to know servlet or JSP while your productivity will be much
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- Jbuilder开发入门(10) 本书提供用J B u i l d e r开发数据库应用程序、创建分布式应用程序以及编写 J a v a B e a n 组件的高级资料。--Jbuilder development of entry-book (10) provide with JB uilder development of database applications to create distributed applications, and advanced information to
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