- Basic and simple example of flash gravity and friction. The example is of a ball that a user can throw. The ball its walls and falls down. Also, friction with walls and ground is taking into account. VERY simple example - especially for beginners
- 已上课的形式描述flex的绝大部分功能 这些培训材料中的信息是“按原样”发布的,不含任何形式的担保,包括明示或暗示。尽管在准备这些材料的过程中采取了各种预防措施,对于这些材料中包含的说明或其中介绍的计算机软件和硬件所导致的或所谓将直接或间接导致的责任、损失或损坏,无论Adobe Systems Incorporated 还是其许可商都不向任何人或实体承担任何责任。-flex 4 Flex 3This book is here to help you get your job done.