- 已有的聚类集算法基本上都是非监督聚类集成算法,这样不能利用已知信息,使得聚类集成的准确性、鲁棒性和稳定性降低.把半监督学习和聚类集成结合起来,设计半监督聚类集成模型来克服这些缺点.主要工作包括:第一,设计了基于贝叶斯网络的半监督聚类集成(semi-supervised cluster ensemble,简称SCE)模型,并对模型用变分法进行了推理求解;第二,在此基础上,给出了EM(expectation maximization)框架下的具体算法;第三,从UCI(University of Ca
- 矿业城市是指依托自然矿藏资源优势,并通过开发利用其资源而发展起来的 城市。大多传统矿业城市都面临“矿竭城衰”的问题。如何避免“矿竭城衰”达 到可持续发展,是摆在矿业城市面前的重要问题。矿业城市发展中的生态环境问 题因其影响范围广、潜伏性强、恢复重建的成本高、周期长、难度大已成为制约 矿业城市可持续发展的“瓶颈”因素。 -Mining town is the advantage of relying on natural mineral resources, and throu
- Probabilistic Principal Component Analysis – Latent variable models – Probabilistic PCA • Formulation of PCA model • Maximum likelihood estimation – Closed form solution – EM algorithm » EM Algorithms for regular PCA
- This paperpresent a novel framework for inferring global behaviour patterns through modelling behaviour correlations in a wide-area scene and detecting any anomaly in behaviours occurring both locally and globally. Specifically, This paperpropose
- A user-material subroutine has been written to incorporate single crystal plasticity in the fmite element program ABAQUS. The fmite-element formulation of elastic-plastic and viscoplastic single crystal deformation is reviewed in this paper. incl
- There are two main contributions in this paper. The first is to propose a joint random field (JRF) model that extends CRF by introducing auxiliary latent variables to characterize visual scene over time and enhance moving object detection in vide
- 最详细和最权威的关于 狄利克雷分布的 说明文档。由教授Jordan提出的。-latent dirichlet allocation
- Provable Learning of Overcomplete Latent Variable Models Semi-supervised and Unsupervised Settings
- This paper advances prior work by proposing a joint learning framework to simultaneously identify the spatial and temporal extents of the action of interest in training videos. To get pixel-level localization results, our method uses dense traj
- 推荐算法,Latent Dirichlet Allocation -recommendation system