- 一款ADI的高精度ADC,有详细的描述,可以作为开发资料-The AD7790 is a low power, complete analog front end for low frequency measurement applications. It contains a low noise 16-bit ∑-∆ ADC with one differential input that can be buffered or unbuffered along
- :文中提出一种改进的Pso优化算法,并将该算法应 用于水轮发电机组PID调速器参数的优化设计,以水轮发 电机组转速偏差的ITAE指标作为改进PsO优化算法的适应 度函数。以我国某水电站的真实数据对经过优化后的PID 拄制规律进行计算机仿真。仿真结果表明利用改进Ps0优 化算法优化的PID控制规律能有效改善孤网运行条件下水 轮机调节系统过渡过程的动态性能。-An improved PSO algo—fhm wa‘presented and applicd to 叩tim
- PMSM Electrical Parameters Measurement-The vector control, also known as the field-oriented control (FOC), of a permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) is the algorithm often used in today’s advanced motor control drives. Such advanced moto