- Special Issue A/2002 looked at cloning of GSM digital mobile telephones and the multi-million pounds market that has been created in its wake. Cloning of GSM digital mobile telephones was thought of as phenomenon, at its inception, but now is so comm
- 完全替换 PCA82C250 的 TJA 1 040 高速 CAN 总线收发器 特征 • 完全符合 ISO 11898 标准 • 速度高 高达 1Mbaud • 电磁辐射 EME 非常低 • 差动接收器具有较宽的共模范围 可抗电磁干扰 EMI • 处于不上电状态的收发器会从总线脱离 零负载 • 输入级符合 3.3V 和 5V 的器件 • 如果使用分裂终端 电压源可以稳定隐
- The TJA1040 is the interface between the Controller Area Network (CAN) protocol controller and the physical bus. It is primarily intended for high speed applications, up to 1 MBaud, in passenger cars. The device provides differential transmit