- 讲述卡耐基的成功经理和演讲的必要技巧,还有炙手可热的人性的弱点有所介绍-on the success of managers and the necessary skills speech, and one of the weaknesses of human nature is introduced
- 软件工程这个学科还很年轻,Peter Naur和Brian Randell今天依然健在。作为著名的编程语言归约BNF范式中的N,Peter Naur因设计和定义了ALGOL 60而在2005年获得图灵奖。因IBM System360的工作于1999年获得图灵奖的Fred Brooks在《人月神话》的结尾比较了化学工程和软件工程。他认为:软件系统可能是人类所创造的最错综复杂的事物,软件工程还很年轻,需要继续探索和尝试。-Software Engineering in this subject is
- 卡耐基是美国著名的企业家、教育家和演讲口才艺术家。戴尔·卡耐基,被誉为“成人教育之父”。20世纪最畅销的成功励志经典"人性的优点"-Carnegie is a famous American entrepreneurs, educators and artists eloquent speech. Dale Carnegie, known as the "father of adult education." The success of the 20th century s best-sell
- 在软件开发过程中团队合作非常重要.这本<我教你读人心术.pdf>,虽然不是直接针对软件开发过程的管理,但是可以让你很好的了解团队中人的心理状态.管理好团队.-In the software development process is very important team. It the " What I teach you to read people minds. Pdf> , although not directly aimed at the software
- 戴尔·卡耐基人物传记 美国现代成人教育之父、人性 教父、 人际关系学鼻祖 美国著名的心理学家和人际关系学家 20 世纪最伟大的成功学大师 -Dale Carnegie Biography father of modern American adult education, human godfather, the originator of human relations and interpersonal well-known American psychol
- 本书从人力资源管理人员的10大抱怨出发,将制作简历的细节、改进点、评估点,如何投递简历,如何针对岗位定制简历,以及经典简历范例一网打进,能让你的简历在最短的时间内脱颖而出。 本书不但适合应届毕业生求职使用,也适合有工作经验的职场人士更换工作时参考。-Book of human resources managers complained that the starting 10, the details of your resume will be produced to improve
- 卡耐基经商之道(另版).chm,卡耐基口才学.chm,卡耐基人际关系学.exe,给大家解解闷-Carnegie way of doing business (another version). Chm, Carnegie eloquence school. Chm, Carnegie human relations. Exe, for everyone to solve boredom
- (培根论说文集)培根,作为人类思想史上的一个重要人物,作为一个伟大的思想家,他具有一种与众不同的历史地位。当人们对培根进行全面思考时,便会自然而然地提出这样的问题:培根一生,写过重要的哲学著和,但在他的哲学著作中,关注的并非那些为人们所公认的纯哲学问题-(Bacon discourse corpus) bacon, the history of human thought as an important figure, as a great thinker, he has a unique hi
- 是人,就具有其独特的思维习惯,一旦具有思维习惯,其所想到的,所写到的,所说到的,必然是基于其信息的输入经过思维模式的加工形成的。这种选择性的获取外界信息,具有独特性的思维模式必然会造成所谓的“一家之言”。在现代这种信息泛滥的时代,谁的话可以听,谁的话需要认真听,谁的话要怎么听,便成了一个困扰我们的难题。我们既不能全盘接受,也不能完全否定。那么有什么办法可以让我们既可以看到别人思维中的闪光点,看到别人由于其专业背景所提出的建设性的意见,而又不至于被人牵着鼻子走呢?《学会提问——批判性思维指南》给了
- 丘吉尔是一位人生内涵极为丰富的传奇人物。本书在较系统、全面地介绍了丘吉尔一生主要事迹的同时,还力图透过历史的表象,对人们囿于政治或党派的偏见而对其产生的误解加以辨析,以便读者对这位曾为人类从法西斯恶梦中挣脱出来作过特殊贡献的一代英国名相,能够从本质上有更为深刻的理解。-Churchill is a legend of a life is extremely rich in content. The book more systematic comprehensive introduction t
- 他是一部人类心理学的书籍,可以让你在官场,职场走的更顺利。-He is a human psychology books, can let you in officialdom, the workplace go more smoothly.
- 本文件讲述的是建模人对数学建模的理解和合作之间的理解,回味,对准备建模或者想要建模的人比较有帮助-This document describes the modeling of mathematical modeling of human understanding and cooperation between the understanding, pondering, modeling or want to model for preparing people more helpful
- 李开复曾经是微软在中国的首席执行官,其为人睿智,充满智慧-Kai-fu Lee was once the CEO of Microsoft in China and its human wisdom, full of wisdom
- 埃森哲的人力资源薪酬激励体系,非常精美!-Human Resources incentive pay system, very beautiful!
- 这是一本系统化分析人物性格特点的巨著,深刻的剖析了人的本性和本质。-This is a systematic analysis of the personality characteristics of magnum opus, the profound analysis of the human nature and the nature.
- Gesture recognition is the mathematical interpretation of a human motion by a computing device. Gesture recognition, along with facial recognition, voice recognition, eye tracking and lip movement recognition are components of what developers refer t
- Gesture recognition is the mathematical interpretation of a human motion by a computing device. Gesture recognition, along with facial recognition, voice recognition, eye tracking and lip movement recognition are components of what developers refer t
- Gesture recognition is the mathematical interpretation of a human motion by a computing device. Gesture recognition, along with facial recognition, voice recognition, eye tracking and lip movement recognition are components of what developers refer t
- Social robotic, Asimo, Nao, Human machine interaction, artificial intelligence