- 计算器系统用于VC,功能完善,思路清晰 是不小心做出来的-calculator for the VC system, complete functions, a clear line of thinking is not careful to do the
- 我觉得这是一部对于一个初学者来说是值得细细品味的好书,对于在开发者来说更是能提高你的水平的一本好书。-I think this is one for a newcomer is worth a careful look of the books, for instance the developer is able to raise your level of a good book.
- 本章讨论与智能客户端应用程序中多线程的使用有关的问题。为了最大限度地提高智能客户端应用程序的响应能力,需要仔细考虑如何和何时使用多线程。线程可以大大提高应用程序的可用性和性能,但是当您确定它们将如何与用户界面交互时,需要对其进行非常仔细的考虑。-discussed in this chapter and Smart Client Application Program multithreading in the use of the problem. In order to improve th
- 这是一个文件,请小心打开打开后如果染毒后果自负-This is a file, open open after careful if exposed to the consequences of possible legal action
- 基于uClinux的嵌入式开发平台建立,值得仔细研究-based uClinux embedded development platform established, deserves careful study
- 全套正弦波UPS资料,英文资料,内有详细的C语言源代码,英文弱者可得小心呐,嘿嘿:)-full sine wave UPS information, in English, with a detailed C language source code, English may be the weak to be careful of, a little :)
- 成功的RF设计必须仔细注意整个设计过程中每个步骤及每个细节,这意味着必须在设计开始阶段就要进行彻底的、仔细的规划,并对每个设计步骤的进展进行全面持续的评估。而这种细致的设计技巧正是国内大多数电子企业文化所欠缺的。-successful RF design must be careful attention to the entire design process every step and every detail, This means that we must begin the desi
- 人力资源管理系统是典型的信息管理系统(MIS),其开发主要包括后台数据库的建立和维护以及前端应用程序的开发两个方面。对于前者要求建立起数据一致性和完整性强、数据安全性好的数据库。而对于后者则要求应用程序功能完备,易使用等特点。结合人力资源的要求,经过详细的分析和调查,主要是对高校以及中小企业人力资源的分析和调查,完成了面向学校以及中小企业的人力资源管理系统的需求分析、功能模块划分、数据库模式分析,并由此设计了数据库结构和应用程序。 本系统采用了微软推出的Visual Studio.NET平台下的
- AutoUpdate是一款先进的升级软件工具,通过全球开发者都使用的各式各样编写程序的语言,从C++到Delphi和.NET以及VB6,在5分钟内轻松的自动对你的程序加入更新和升级功能。 汉化这个软件有一段时间了,因为资源大部分是UNICODE码,一些资源提取工具无法完全提取,所有只得手工汉化。因为时间仓促,没有仔细测试,有问题可以本站留言给我,我进一步进行汉化修改和调整。-AutoUpdate is a sophisticated software tools to upgrad
- 新闻管理系统的希求分析本设计按照软件工程学理论,对网上各类新闻管理网站进行了认真的调研,着重搞好需求分析,谨慎进行概要和详细设计,对程序进行模块划分,最后进行物理设计和编程实现。-Information management system in accordance with the desire to analyze the design of software engineering theory, the management of online news sites of various
- KEIL是一款特别常用且功能强大的编译软件,本文档共分5个部分,对该软件的特征和运行、使用方法进行了细致说明,会给初学者带来很大的方便。-KEIL is a particularly powerful and commonly used to compile software, this document is divided into five parts, the software features and operations, and careful use of methods tha
- 基于全相位的数字滤波器设计,适合初学者认真研读,文章阐述的思想很独到。-Based on all phase of the digital filter design, suitable for beginners and a careful reading, the article set out in a very unique ideas.
- 信号完整性的经典书籍,美国电子工程师德必备之书。认真读完后才能懂得电子设计-Signal integrity of the classic books, the United States and Electronics Engineers Germany must have book. Know how to read only after careful electronic design
- The numerical integration methods described so far are based on a rather simple choice of evaluation points for the function f(x). They are particularly suited for regularly tabulated data, such as one might measure in a laboratory, or obtain fro
- 透过人类数千万年的发展史,可以看到一条清晰的、刻在时间轴上的演变脉络。该脉络不仅诉说着人类过去的发展,而且也指出了人类命运的走向。软件和软件工程作为人类历史发展过程中出现的一种重要工具,自然也会在在这条脉络中留下自己的痕迹,而这条演变脉络对人类命运走向的指导作用自然也适用于软件与软件工程。本文正是从这个广阔的视角去看待软件与软件工程的未来与前景,并对此进行一点粗浅的探索。-Abstract A careful examination of human history reveals a clea
- The P S N R is most commonly used as a measure of quality of reconstruction of lossy compression codec (e.g., for image compression). The signal in this case is the original data, and the noise is the error introduced by compression. When comparing c
- The PSNR is most commonly used as a measure of quality of reconstruction of lossy compression codecs (e.g., for image compression). The signal in this case is the original data, and the noise is the error introduced by compression. When comparing com
- The PSNR is most commonly used as a measure of quality of reconstruction of lossy compression codecs (e.g., for image compression). The signal in this case is the original data, and the noise is the error introduced by compression. When comparing com
- The PSNR is most commonly used as a measure of quality of reconstruction of lossy compression codecs (e.g., for image compression). The signal in this case is the original data, and the noise is the error introduced by compression. When comparing com
- 摘 要 传统的电费管理都是由工作人员手工查表,抄表完成的,其中要完成用户电费的收取,每月抄度,用户购电情况查询,以及列出欠费用户的信息名单,之类的信息.其工作强度大,工作流程繁琐,由于工作人员的不细心,将会造成电费收支的出错也是经常发生的.鉴于以上原因我们有必要开发一种帮作电费管理人员的软件系统,可以完成检查用户用电情况,每月抄度,信息录入以及基本数据维护的各项功能.本系统采用visual basic 6.0与微软Access数据库方式.界面尽量做到人性化,数据维护方面做