- Robustnesstochangesinilluminationconditionsaswellas viewing perspectives is an important requirement formany computer vision applications. One of the key fac-ors in enhancing the robustness of dynamic scene analy-sis that of accurate and reliable mea
- xilinx官方推荐基于Virtex5系列FPGA开发PCIE接口的解决方案,适合开发1X-8X PCIE接口的应用范围-the xilinx official recommended based Virtex5 series FPGA development PCIE interface solution, 1X-8X PCIE interface suitable for the development of a range of applications
- 基于ArcObjects与C#.NET的GIS应用开发 在广泛的社会需求调查的基础上,选择国际流行的、最具代表性的、最新版本的ArcObjects作为CIS开发组件,以C#.NET作为开发环境,全面系统地阐述了应用型GIS工程项目开发的基本思路、技术方法和应用实例。-NET GIS application development based on ArcObjects with C#. "On the basis of a wide range of social needs survey,
- 针对远距离激光干涉成像中条纹的形成进行了研究。分析了成像所需条纹的特点,表明干涉条 纹成像系统的带宽决定于条纹的空间带宽。讨论了传统的迈克尔逊干涉仪结构在激光干涉成像中应用的不足 之处,并在迈克尔逊干涉仪的基础上,提出一种变形的光路结构,用于在远距离上形成圆对称环状干涉条纹,同 时报道了利用该变形结构在约50m的距离上观察到的条纹,表明了该光路结构的可行性 -Long-range laser interferometer for imaging the formation of
- 系统针对企业机关办公中存在的信息不畅、效率底下、操作不规范等一系列问题。用信息化的手段和新一代规范等一系列问题。用信息化手段和新一代的管理思想提供了强有力的网络化、电子化支持。把协同办公的理念、知识管理的思想带入了现代社会的办公生活,从而提升了现代企业的信息化程度,改变了人们的生活。-System for enterprise organs that exist in the information office impeded, the efficiency under the operati
- Creating barcodes in Microsoft庐 Office has never been easier. With BarCodeWiz Toolbar you can add barcodes to Microsoft庐 Office applications with a click of a button. In Microsoft庐 Word, create single barcodes, pages of labels, or mail merge docume
- 基于BCD公司的AP系列芯片,本文介绍一种以最少外部元器件就能获得高效率的高频开关电源的设计方法,该电路在宽范围电压输入范围内,采取单端反激式电路,利用光耦反馈和脉冲宽度调制技术来实现横流稳压输出。-Based BCD company s AP series chip, this paper introduce a minimum of external components to get the high-efficiency high-frequency switching power’ d
- 数字频率计的设计可以分为测量计数和显示。其测量的基本原理是计算一定时间内待测信号的脉冲个数,这就要求由分频器产生标准闸门时间信号,计数器记录脉冲个数,由控制器对闸门信号进行选择,并对计数器使能断进行同步控制。控制器根据闸门信号确定最佳量程。-The design of digital frequency meter can be divided into measurement and display count. The basic principle of its measurement i
- 本设计采用AT89552单片机,辅以必要的模拟电路,实现了一个基于直接数字频率合成技术(DDS)的正弦谊号发生器。设计中采用DDS芯片AD9850产生频率1KHZ~10MHZ范围内正弦波,采用功放AD811控制输出电压幅度, 由单片机AT89S52控制调节步进频率1HZ。在此基础上,用模拟乘法器MC1496实现了正弦调制信号频率为1KHZ的模拟相度调制信号;用FPGA芯片产生二进制NRZ码,与AD9850结合实现相移键控PSK、幅移键控ASK、频移镇键FSK。-AT89552 the singl
- 图像数字水印的应用及基准测试软件:在讨论图像数字水印的各种应用及影响图像数字水印系统的重要参数的基础上,对数字水印的各种典型 的攻击方式进行了较完整的分析,最后对现有的典型基准测试程序进行了探讨,指出了它们的局限性.-Application of Digital Watermarking and the benchmarking software: Image Watermarking in the discussion of a wide range of applications
- 基于单片机的温度控制系统,采用PID模糊控制算法,温度控制范围0~80度-The temperature control system based on single chip, using PID fuzzy control algorithm, the temperature control range 0 ~ 80 degrees
- 这个函数包含广泛的和非广泛的香农Tsallis、escort Tsallis,和renyi 熵. -This function contains a wide range of broad-based and non-Shannon, Tsallis, escort Tsallis, and renyi entropy. The functions include extensive Shannon and nonextensive Tsallis, escort Tsallis, and re
- This 7-digit frequency meter measuring frequency from 10 Hz up to 1300 MHz. It is based on ideas of PIC16F84 based frequency meter. The measuring range is divided into two subranges: 10Hz - 25MHz and 25 MHz - 1300MHz. The decimal point is after MHz
- C++程序的艺术,帮你深入了解C++,了解C++的艺术-The author of this text applies C++ to a wide variety of high-powered, practical applications, each focusing on a different aspect of the language. Examples range from a garbage collector subsystem and a thread control pan
- 1. Top module name : SHIFTER (File name : SHIFTER.v) 2. Input pins: SHIFT [3:0], IN [15:0], SIGN, RIGHT. 3. Output pins: OUT [15:0]. 4. Input signals generated from test pattern are latched in one cycle and are synchronized at clock ris
- 针对目前温室控制的缺点,以提高温室控制的自动化和实用性为目的,设计出了一种基于PIC微控器的多传感器温室自动控制系统。介绍了温室控制的基本工作原理,给出了硬件电路原理图。该系统能实现出远程和网络监控,具有广泛的应用前景。 -Aiming at the shortcomings of greenhouse control to improve the greenhouse control, automation and utility for the purpose of designing a
- 老外写的直接转矩控制+空间矢量的内置永磁体电机无传感器控制的文章-This paper proposes an implementation of a motion sensorless control system in wide speed range based on “active flux” observer, and direct torque and flux control with space vector modulation (DTFC-SVM) for the i
- Wireless Sensor Networks have been proposed for a multitude of location-dependent applications. For such systems, the cost and limitations of the hardware on sensing nodes prevent the use of range-based localization schemes that depend on absol
- 超声波测距仪设计文档,本设计主要是以74LS04和CX20106A为测距模块,DS18B20用于温度补偿,12864液晶显示,HC-SR04为超声波显示板,语音模块由音频功率放大器LM386、语音芯片WT588D、低压差电压调节LM1117组成。-Ultrasonic range finder design documents, the design is mainly based on 74LS04 and CX20106A ranging module, DS18B20 for temper
Range-Only Mapping
- Intelligent Range-Only Mapping and Navigation for Mobile Robots