- The travel adaptor design presented here has been made with the aim of minimizing overall cost for a secondary voltage and current regulated adapter topology widely used in cellular phone adapters. Thanks to the VIPer12A low power consumption, it is
- 一种基于数据块选择的方差时间图Hurst参数估计方法。-Estimation of Hurst Parameter by Variance-time Plots Based 011 Data Blocks Range Selection
- 机器学习是人工智能的一个子领域,是人工智能中非常活跃且范围甚广的主要核心研究领域之一,也是现代智能系统的关键环节和瓶颈。机器学习吸取了人工智能、概率统计、计算复杂性理论、控制论、信息论、哲学、生理学、神经生物学等学科的成果,主要关注于开发一些让计算机可以自动学习的技术,并通过经验提高系统自身的性能。本文介绍了机器学习的概念、基本结构和发展,以及各种机器学习方法,包括机械学习、归纳学习、类比学习、解释学习、基于神经网络的学习以及知识发现等,并简单叙述了机器学习的相关算法,包括决策树算法、随机森林算
- BlueCore7 is a single-chip radio and baseband IC range for Bluetooth 2.4GHz systems including enhanced data rates (EDR) to 3Mbits/s. It includes an integrated FM transmitter and receiver with stereo audio input and output stages, Bluetooth low en
- 新一代多普勒天气雷达系统基于对气象和自然灾害的准确预警而产生的。主要应用在于对灾害性天气,特别是与风害相伴随的灾害性天气的监测和预警。它还可以进行较大范围降水的定量估测,获取降水和降水云体的风场结构。-A new generation of Doppler weather radar system is based on the accuracy of weather and natural disasters, early warning generated. Main application
- Maude is a reflective language based on equational rewrite principles, useful for modeling and solving a wide range of computational problems.
- The main frequency is an important parameter of an electrical power system. The frequency can change over a small range due to generation-load mismatches. Some power system protection and control applications The paper presents a new method
- 碳纳米管具有优异的机械、力学、电学、化学和光学性能,具有很高的强度和韧性, 可以预见,将碳纳米管作为复合材料的增强体可以表现出良好的强度、弹性和抗疲劳性。 目前,碳纳米管基础力学行为的研究已经成为国际上的热点问题之一。本文基于连续介 质力学的理论框架,完善和进一步发展了连续介质力学的基本理论和研究方法,研究了 碳纳米管屈曲、后屈曲以及冲击载荷作用下的动力屈曲等一系列相关问题。-Carbon nanotubes have excellent mechanical, mechanic
- This paper proposes a novel and computationally efficient global I< optimization method based on swarm ntelligence for locating ti nodes in a WSN environment. The mean squared range error of a all neighbouring anchor nodes is taken as the obj
- 一个简单的,低成本的装置的设计优化 对均匀光纤布拉格光栅的布拉格波长 光栅(FBG)。调谐范围是通过 为45.34 nm的基于一个原则 在强度均匀矩形梁 模拟。 -A simple, low cost setup was designed for tuning the Bragg wavelength for a uniform fiber Bragg grating (FB
- 光纤倏逝场传感器对甲醇 (CH3OH)和乙醇(C2H5OH)基于变形光学溶剂 纤维芯的报道。现有的U型的敏感性 探讨提高延长暴露芯线圈形状 一个半圈的形成,核心行进 三弯曲的形状。利用可见光的波长区域(VIS) 甲醇/乙醇从0 到10 所示的浓度 的弯曲形状的传感器使测定灵敏度 更好的甲醇浓度比0点05 和 乙
- The extended Kalman filter (EKF) has been widely used as a nonlinear filtering method for radar tracking problems. However, it has been found that in case cross-range measurement errors of the target position are large, the performance of the