- DS1624是美国DALLAS公司生产的集成了测量系统和存储器于一体的芯片。数字接口电路简单,与I2C总线兼容,且可以使用一片控制器控制多达8片的DS1624。其数字温度输出达13位,精度为0.03125℃。DS1624可工作在最低2.7V电压下,适用于低功耗应用系统。-DS1624 is produced by the U.S. DALLAS integrated measurement system and memory in one chip. Digital interface circ
- NC code 代碼手冊 其中有一般常用的 G代碼, M代碼 等等.是開發或操作NC 機台需要知道的東西.-This is a NC code manual. Usually must to know that when you creat one new nc machine or operate it. But this document writed in Chinese.
- open data base and operate it
- 在本系统中,有三类用户:系统管理员,教师和学生。三种不同的用户所具有的操作权限以及操作内容均不一样。 -In this system, there are three types of users: administrators, teachers and students. Has three different user authority to operate and operation are not the same content.
- 运行运筹学的实验地七章的实验软件,可以方便的进行操作-Operations research experiments to run seven chapters of the experimental software, you can easily operate
- Novatel主板书说明书,详细介绍如何操作主板接受GPS信息-Novatel motherboard manual, book detailing how to operate the mainboard accept GPS information
- IBM Optim 数据漂白操作手册中文翻译版本,非常详细!-IBM Optim Data convert operation manual Chinese translation version, very detailed!
- When discussing networks, different conceptual views can be used. One view is how the computers and networks are connected to one another and another view is a layered view of how the protocols operate on top of each other. The former will be called:
- 由于大多数变速箱系统下运作的变负荷影响振动系统的签名和一般很难识别错误的发生,我们开发了基于故障检测方案 使用自回归模型的残差拟合,计算得到的数据,在不同的负载条件下的一个变速箱。这个故障检测方案然后提出和测试使用完整的终身获得的数据从一个齿轮箱操作fr -Since most gearbox systems operate under varying load which affect the vibration signature of the sy
- c++ 操作word的一些实现,很不错的。-c++ operate word,very good.
- A power inverter is a device that converts DC power (also known as direct current), to standard AC power (alternating current). Inverters are used to operate electrical equipment from the power produced by a car or boat battery or renewable energy so
- The A3977 is a complete microstepping motor driver, with builtin translator. It is designed to operate bipolar stepper motors in full-, half-, quarter-, and eighth-step modes, with output drive capability of 35 V and ±2.5 A.
- 简单的迷宫设计,可以通过键盘操作,可以通过吃不同颜色的豆子穿对应的颜色的墙-Simple maze designed to operate via the keyboard, you can wear the corresponding color walls by eating beans of different colors
- tektronix示波器文档描述,内容如何操作示波器,波形操作方法等等一些描述-ON划词翻译ON实时翻译 Tektronix oscilloscope document descr iption, content how to operate the oscilloscope, some describe the wave operation method etc.
- In this paper, a fast search-free method for direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation with coprime arrays was proposed. It is based on the use of methods that operate on the uniform linear subarrays of the coprime array and that enjoy many proces
- Steam turbines are found to operate at fairly good efficiency only at high speeds. The high speed operation of rotors tends to increase mechanical losses and so the rotors should have a smooth external surface. Hence, smooth cylindrical type rotors w
- Steam turbines are found to operate at fairly good efficiency only at high speeds. The high speed operation of rotors tends to increase mechanical losses and so the rotors should have a smooth external surface. Hence, smooth cylindrical type rotors w
- 地震勘探采集的地震数据一般以地震道为单位进行组织,采用SEG-Y文件格式存储。SEG-Y格式是由SEG (Society of Exploration Geophysicists)提出的标准磁带数据格式之一,它是石油勘探行业地震数据的最为普遍的格式。读取数据后经过处理可以得到有关地下构造和岩性等大量有用信息信息。但是原始数据数据量庞大而且杂乱无章,为了使大量的数据变得直观、易于理解,揭示数据间的内在联系,必须对原始数据经过一系列变换转换成图形图像,将信息以更容易理解的形式展现出来。VC++功能强
- 该程序是一个简单的电脑照片查看器,有良好的界面,使用人员能快捷简单地进行操作。它能系统地查看你电脑上的全部照片,可将照片放大、缩小进行查看,对照片可以进行移动、复制或者重命名,快速方便,能方便地为我们提供照片的实时查看。-The program is a simple computer photo viewer, a good interface, the use of personnel can quickly and easily operate. It can systematically