- 可编程控制器PLC的应用绝大部分都是通过编写梯形图的方式实现程序控制的,但对于智能低压开关系统来讲,其分、断的控制往往要求由主控操作室远程控制来完成。按传统的方法,主控室要对某一个开关柜进行操作,须先发一个控制命令,PLC接收到该控制命令后,再由PLC程序执行该命令,该段程序必须用梯形图或逻辑指令编程,当开关柜数目巨大或要求多路设备同时控制时,PLC的程序编写就比较复杂,尤其是采用脉冲型输出控制而不是用电平保持型控制时更是如此。因为开关柜的分、合控制须两路继电器输出分别控制“分闸”和“合闸”,而
- In the last decade the processing of polygonal meshes has emerged as an active and very productive research area. This can basically be attributed to two developments: Modern geometry acquisition devices, like laser scanners and MRT, easily
- 一个可以制作视频的工具,可以提供用户做些培训操作使用,并且可以编辑此视频.-A tool to create a video, you can do to provide user training to operate to use and can edit the video.
- Many people associate solar energy directly with photovoltaics and not with solar thermal power generation. Nevertheless, large commercial concentrating solar thermal power plants have been generating electricity at a reasonable cost for more tha
- 串口工具操作方便的串口调试工具,是单片机通讯开发的最佳助手!本软件完全免费,无任何功能时间限制。-Serial tool easy to operate serial debugging tools, is a single-chip communications development best assistant! The software is completely free, without any time limit function.
- 安易王V8是使用新一代科技开发的纯WEB版财务及ERP管理软件,具有B/S结构的免安装, 易维护,移动互联的特点外。还有具有普通WEB版软件没有的特点。 一是页面不用刷新。 二是所有操作方便,与桌面安装程序操作极其相像。 三是数据进行压缩传输,比普通C/S结构的远程系统取代码要快100倍左右,比远程桌面方式的远程系统要快十倍左右,比传统的WEB版B/S结构程序要快15倍左右。 四是解决了WEB版的打印难题,是传统的B/S系统不能比拟的。 演示及下载地址:
- 黑帽seo视频教程,黑帽seo技巧自我介绍: 大家好,我是落月,★ QQ 935432468 加好友请注明一下是黑帽seo ★,做互联网6年,一个无名菜鸟. 今天主要是带大家简单了解各种黑帽劫持手法 及SEO中端系列-★黑帽SEO蜘蛛劫持快速抢占流量(asp版带程序)(这段我会放在视频的前面给大家演示,需要用到的劫持代码我会打包给大家)★ 本视频是语音加文字教程,请戴好耳机或开启音响;视频会很详细的讲解初中高级黑帽手法,可能会有点长,请耐心观看每个步骤。
- 这个文件说明了对于ERP系统不同角色的功能及作用,讲解了各个角色该如何操作管理-This document describes the function of ERP systems and the role of different roles, to explain how to operate the various management roles
- The optimal contrast setting for LCDs varies with ambient temperature. For most applications this variation in contrast is tolerable over the "normal" temperature range of 0℃ to +50℃. Most LCD modules are available with an extended temperature range
- Abstract—In this paper we propose the channel assignment scheme for multi-channel wireless mesh network (WMN), where each mesh router is equipped with multiple radio interfaces. In real WMN the number of radio interfaces is much higher than t
Optimal stochastic reactive power scheduling in a microgrid considering voltage droop scheme of DGs and uncertainty of w
- Distributed Generators (DGs) in a microgrid may operate in three different reactive power control strategies, including PV, PQ and voltage droop schemes. This paper proposes a new stochastic programming approach for reactive power scheduling of a mic
- To improve efficiency, PV system must operate on maximum power point (MPP) so necessary to determine it. Thus, when a direct connection is carried out between the source and the load, the output of the PV module is seldom maximum value and the oper
- As I have marked in the attached image, there is a PI controller, which is not necessarily a PI controller and could have several poles or zeroes. I have simulated this system nearly successfully and the only thing I am struggling with is the co