- 首先应输入一个值赋给初始报数上限m,程序应能自动保存出列人的序号和将出列的人所持的密码赋给m,再次作为下次报数上限,如此循环,直至所有人都出列为止。-Should first enter a value assigned to the initial reported that the maximum number of m, the procedure should be able to automatically save a list of the serial number of peo
- 超分辨率重建算法的硕士论文,主要介绍了超分辨率重建技术概述,及采用最大后验概率完成超分辨率重建的具体过程,有重要参考价值-Super-resolution reconstruction algorithm for master' s thesis, introduced an overview of super-resolution reconstruction, and the use of maximum a posteriori probability of the completi
- 基于MAP的红外图像超分辨率技术研究的硕士论文,文中主要采用最大后验概率完成超分辨率算法的图像重建。-MAP-based infrared image super-resolution technology research master' s thesis, the main use of maximum a posteriori probability of the completion of super-resolution image reconstruction algorith
- (a)编写程序完成如下功能:输入7个float类型的实数分别求最大值和最小值,并保留3位小数输出最大值和最小值。-(A) the preparation of procedures for the completion of the following functions: the importation of seven types of real float for maximum and minimum values, respectively, and three decimal pla
- 图像中的角点包含大量的信息,在计算机视觉中扮演重要角色,在许多应用中角点用作特征点,例如图像配准、运动目标跟踪等。鉴于此,学者们提出很多角点检测方法。例如Hans EMoravec在1977年提出的Movavec算法,Chris Harris和Mike Stephens于1988年提出的Harris算法,以及MirosavTrai.kovic和MarkHedley提出的Trajkovic算法等“卅。角点检测的另一个途径是计算轮廓的曲率函数,因为角点是曲率函数的最大值,因此很容易通过阈值的方法检测
- 对一个字符串进行最大匹配法分词的算法,在VC环境下运行即可。-A string of maximum matching word segmentation algorithm can be run in the VC environment.
- 偏振模色散信息统计 数据收集 PMDQ计算(蒙特卡洛) DGD最大值计算(蒙特卡洛) -PMD statistical data collection PMDQ information calculated (Monte Carlo) DGD maximum calculated (Monte Carlo)
- Iperf was developed by NLANR/DAST as a modern alternative for measuring maximum TCP and UDP bandwidth performance. Iperf allows the tuning of various parameters and UDP characteristics. Iperf reports bandwidth, delay jitter, datagram loss. - Iperf
- ntfs was developed by NLANR/DAST as a modern alternative for measuring maximum TCP and UDP bandwidth performance. Iperf allows the tuning of various parameters and UDP characteristics. Iperf reports bandwidth, delay jitter, datagram loss.
- Eigenfaces: PCA tends to find a p-dimensional subspace whose basis vectors correspond to the maximum variance direction in the original image space (p N). We called the new subspace defined by basis vectors “face space”. First, all training
- 根据 TCD1209D 的结构及工作原理,我们知道驱动时序的准确性决定了 TCD1209D 输出信号的性能。本课题中设计的 TCD1209D 驱动时序,典型稳定工 作频率为 1MHz ,最高工作频率为 10MHz。 -According to TCD1209D the structure and working principle, we know the accuracy of timing-driven TCD1209D output signal determines the
- cophasing maximum ratio combining mrc
- Maximum power point tracker
- 匈牙利匹配算法,利用匈牙利匹配算法,解决图论中的最大匹配问题,-Hungarian matching algorithm using Hungarian matching algorithm to solve the maximum matching problem in graph theory,
Clustering with Gaussian Mixtures
- This documents explains in details with examples of the use Expectation Maximisation algorithm for maximum likelihood estimation in Gaussian mixtures.
- 通讯录中的每一个信息包括姓名(规定字节数为15个)、电话(规定字节数为15个)和工作单位(最大字节数为30个)等信息。-Each information including the name of the mail list ( specified byte number 15 ), phone ( specified byte number 15 ) and work units ( the maximum number of bytes to 30 ) and other informati
- 用函数实现排序找最大值求方差.用C语言编写的-Achieve the sort function to find the maximum value with the variance. Using C language
- 一篇非常实用的无线通信方向的文献,是关于cdma系统中doa估计的经典-The use of antenna arrays in wireless communications makes it possible to estimate the directions of arrival (DOAs) of impinging waveforms. The latter can be exploited to enhance channel estimation accuracy o
- 此程序能够解决网络中最小费用最大流问题,内含调试结果及解释。并附有分析流程,结果分析。-This program can solve the minimum cost maximum network flow problem, containing debugging results and interpretation. Together with the analysis process, the results of the analysis.
- the maximum power point tracker pof MPPT