- This paper addresses a stochastic-#ow network in which each arc or node has several capacities and may fail. Given the demand d, we try to evaluate the system reliability that the maximum #ow of the network is not less than d. A simple algorithm
- This paper addresses a stochastic-#ow network in which each arc or node has several capacities and may fail. Given the demand d, we try to evaluate the system reliability that the maximum #ow of the network is not less than d. A simple algorithm
- This paper addresses a stochastic-#ow network in which each arc or node has several capacities and may fail. Given the demand d, we try to evaluate the system reliability that the maximum #ow of the network is not less than d. A simple algorithm
- This paper addresses a stochastic-#ow network in which each arc or node has several capacities and may fail. Given the demand d, we try to evaluate the system reliability that the maximum #ow of the network is not less than d. A simple algorithm
- TLC548和TLC549是以8位开关电容逐次逼近A/D转换器为基础而构造的CMOS A/D转换器。它们设 计成能通过3态数据输出和模拟输入与微处理器或外围设备串行接口。TLC548和TLC549仅用输入/输出时 钟(I/O CLOCK) 和芯片选择(CS) 输入作数据控制。TLC548的最高I/O CLOCK输入频率为2.048MHz, 而TLC549的I/O CLOCK输入频率最高可达1.1MHz。 有关与大多数通用微处理器接口的详细资料已由工厂 准备好,可供使用。-TLC5
- 介绍一些目前较为流行的Reliability的测试方法, 选择合适的测试方法,最大限度的降低IC测试的时间和成本,从而有效控制IC产品的质量和可靠度。 -Some of the more popular current method of testing Reliability, choose a suitable test method, the maximum reduction of IC test time and cost of IC products in order to effe
- 借助激光测距技术、数控技术和计算机技术,将锥体零件的若干典型截面数字化,根据相关形位公差的定 义,利用计算机进行数据处理,求出被测零件的截面圆度、最大最小直径、垂直度等。- Using laser ranging technology, numerical control technology and computer technology, will taper parts some typical digital, according to relevant section of the
- 本文主要描述了多目标跟踪,利用最大权值对多目标进行跟踪,实现多目标的跟踪-This paper describes the multi-target tracking, the maximum weight value of multi-target tracking, multi-target tracking
- 河内塔 费式数列 巴斯卡三角形 三色棋 老鼠走迷官(一) 老鼠走迷官(二) 骑士走棋盘 八个皇后 八枚银币 生命游戏 字串核对 双色、三色河内塔 背包问题(Knapsack Problem) 数、运算 蒙地卡罗法求 PI Eratosthenes筛选求质数 超长整数运算(大数运算) 长 PI 最大公因数、最小公倍数、因式分解 完美数 阿姆斯壮数 最大访客数 中序式转
- 该文分析了非开挖技术特点、工艺流程、施工设备、管材粘接及安装,认为目前在大规模管网施工的情况下,为了达到最小破坏和最大保护环境的目的,采用非开挖技术施工势在必行。另外,该文还提出了非开挖技术施工中值得注意的问题。-This paper analyzes the trenchless technology characteristics, process, construction equipment, pipe bonding and install that in the case of la
- Since the main component of a control scheme is the PI Controller, a model with an anti wind-up structure has been implemented in Simulink. The Maximum Power Point Tracker (MPPT) block is based on a look-up table obtained from the wind turbine charac
- Three dimensional force sensor, analyzes its structure, principle and mathematical model between voltage and strike force, and then use the sensor to detect three-dimensional force size, the hardware part mainly with 8051 single-chip microcomputer to
- 名称含义12864是128*64点阵液晶模块的点阵数简称,业界约定俗成的简称。基本参数电气特性极限参数光学特性基本用途该点阵的屏显成本相对较低,适用于各类仪器-Name Meaning 12 864 128* 64 dot matrix LCD module number referred to, the industry convention for short. Basic parameters Electrical Characteristics Absolute Maximum opti
- 当本地区达到最大负荷1980+i956MVA时,如果电网能保证按最大运行方式 运行,具备理想的最大供电能力,则容载比为1.2一订.0,电网各供电小区容载比不 均衡,靠各小区之间110KV联络线进行负荷调整也难以达到均衡。-When the maximum load 1980+i956MVA the region, if the grid can guarantee operation at the maximum operating mode, with the ideal maximu
- 光伏电池阵列输出功率受光照强度和温度变化的影响,因此最大功率点跟踪(MPPT)技术广泛应用于光伏系统中。在所有最大功率点(MPP)控制策略中,扰动观察(P&O)MPPT算法因易实现被广泛应用,然而它的缺点是在稳定工作状态下工作点通过MPP 时会导致能量振荡损耗,并且在光照强度或温度发生突变时表现较差的动态响应。在本文中,提出一种改进型变步长扰动观察MPPT 算法,此方法依据工作点动态调整步长变化,与传统固定步长方法比较,本文提出的方法能有效地提高MPPT 速度和转换效率,通过仿真和实验结果分析,
- 模式识别中两个重要的算法:感知器算法和最大最小距离算法的实现-Two important algorithms in pattern recognition: the realization of the perceptron algorithm and maximum minimum distance algorithm
- Theoretical and Experimental Analyses of Photovoltaic Systems With Voltage- and Current-Based Maximum Power-Point Tracking
- 直流电机控制板/驱动板/调试版: 型号:MBZ95F436 方案厂商:泽兆电子 驱动电机类型:1.三相直流无刷无霍尔电机 2.直流无刷带霍尔电机 驱动板尺寸:140MM*70MM 输入电压:DC12V、DC24V、DC36V、DC48V均可 电流:1-8A均可 功率:10-380W均可 启动模式:软启动、硬启动均可 最大转速:电机参数决定 转速控制:无极调速,智能控制 其他功能:堵转保护、过流保护、过压欠压保护、限流保护、正反转 使用环境温度:
- Considered a 16QAM communication system. The information rate is 2 Mb/s and the carrier frequency is 12 GHz. Assumed perfect synchronization. a) Simulated the system if the channel is AWGN and draw bit error rate of the system versus Eb/No. Com
- The basic point is to get the maximum B while keeping it constant all the time. The upper and lower envelope curves are periodical and are three times the output frequency.