- 并行通信和串行通信是CPU与外部设备之间进行信息交换的基本方法。采用并行通信时,构成一个字符或数据的各位同时传送,每一位都占用一条通信线,另外还需要联络以保证和外围设备协调地工作,它具有较高的传输速度。但由于在长线上驱动和接收信号较困难,驱动和接收电路较复杂,因此并行通信的传输距离受到限制,这种通信方式多用于计算机内部,或者作为计算机与近距离外围设备传输信息用。,Parallel and serial communication is communication between the CPU
- 工行U盾驱动 工行U盾驱动 工行U盾驱动 -ICBC ICBC U drive U shield shield shield-driven drive U ICBC ICBC ICBC U drive U Shield Shield Shield U ICBC driver driver
- MARKET ANALYSIS World wide Hard Disk Drive 2008- 2012 Forecast and Analysis : Shrugging Off Storage Technology Challengers
- Pinout or Xbox360 hard drive connector. Shows the correct sata and power pins.
- 储油罐清理是清理机器人研究和应用的一个新领域。分析了储油罐清理机器人研究的 重大意义,介绍了国内外清罐机器人发展现状,并对清罐机器人的关键技术即移动机构和驱动系 统、清罐装置、吸附装置、传感装置及控制系统等进行了分析。随着科技水平的提高及诸多关键 技术的突破,清罐机器人必将取代人力,成为储油罐清理的主力军。-Oiltank cleaning is a cleaning robot research and application of a new area. Analysis of
- Actually, electromechanical machines are characterized by their low cost and reduced maintenance. Therefore, new types of magnetic materials such as soft magnetic composites(SMC), have to be considered not only for multiple applications (small mot
- 2009中国虚拟化技术及应用报告 从虚拟机的大量部署到成功案例逐渐涌现,越来越多的中国企业开始关注虚拟化技术给优化IT基础架构,推动业务创新带来的启发。概念普及之后,人们更加重视认知程度的深化,希望与业务结合,找到掌握新技术的方法。-2009 China Report virtualization technology and application of virtual machines from a deployment to a large number of success storie
- 介绍LED发展过程,对LED设计及驱动电路设计过程中的问题进行详细解析,对开发设计过程的经典问题进行回答改善-Describes the development of LED, the LED drive circuit design and design process issues detailed analysis of the development and design process to improve the classic answer questions
- HCC-Embedded Embedded Flash File System FAT12/16/32 Implementation Guide This guide is intended for use by embedded software engineers who have should have a knowl edge of the C programming language, standard file API s who wish to implement
- The article concerns observing states of the Induction Motor (IM) using a Luenberger observer in the speed servo drive. The movement of the motor and observer roots is analyzed for a variable speed. Following the analysis, a new method for gain e
- A Routing-Driven Key Management Scheme for Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks
- matrix converter fed induction motor drive
- 介绍了当今世界以及国内电动汽车发展的最新技术及详细情况,-This folder discr ipt the newest develepment of electric vehicle in the world or demostic in china.
- Induction Motor Drive Using Seven Level Multilevel Inverter for Energy Saving in Variable Torque Load Application
- 现代汽车全部采用电力起动机,起动机的功能就是迅速、可靠地起动发动机,使发动机正常工作。所以在选择发动机,必须确定好与之配套的起动机;当然还必须选择好起动机与发动机的最佳传动比及适配的蓄电池的电荷量等。为了使发动机能迅速、可靠地起,起动机必须具有足够的功率,否则就有可能起动不了发动机,或出现重复起动的次数增多,起动时间延长,烧毁起动机,消耗过多的燃料等-Hyundai Motor starters all the electricity used, the function of starter
- Power control of dual-motor electric drive for tracked vehicles
- 联轴器属于机械通用零部件范畴,用来联接不同机构中的两根轴(主动轴和从动轴)使之共同旋转以传递扭矩的机械零件。在高速重载的动力传动中,有些联轴器还有缓冲、减振和提高轴系动态性能的作用。联轴器由两半部分组成,分别与主动轴和从动轴联接。一般动力机大都借助于联轴器与工作机相联接,是机械产品轴系传动最常用的联接部件。20世纪后期国内外联轴器产品发展很快,在产品设计时如何从品种甚多、性能各异的各种联轴器中选用能满足机器要求的联轴器,对多数设计人员来讲,始终是一个困扰的问题。-General Machine
- An FPGA-Based servo controller for permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) drive is designed and realized in this paper. The FPGA-Based controller has two modules. One module performs the function of the current/speed loop control for PMSM
- 目前,移动机器人具有很大的开发空间。无线控制成为移动机器人必不可少的控制方式。机器人的机械结构决定了移动机器人的功能,由此来确定合适的驱动系统。再利用强抗干扰能力的无线收发一体传输MODEM模块PTR2000芯片,通过单片机对机器人关节步进电机和驱动电机进行控制,实现了数据的无线传输,来控制机器人的运作。-Currently, the mobile robot has large space for development. Wireless control essential for mobi
- RAPPORT_TP_RNEU La descente de gradient est une méthode d’optimisation très simple où l’on utilise la dérivée (ou le gradient, en dimension > 1) d’une fonction afin de trouver un extremum local. La méthode repose sur la formule itérative