- 储油罐清理是清理机器人研究和应用的一个新领域。分析了储油罐清理机器人研究的 重大意义,介绍了国内外清罐机器人发展现状,并对清罐机器人的关键技术即移动机构和驱动系 统、清罐装置、吸附装置、传感装置及控制系统等进行了分析。随着科技水平的提高及诸多关键 技术的突破,清罐机器人必将取代人力,成为储油罐清理的主力军。-Oiltank cleaning is a cleaning robot research and application of a new area. Analysis of
- This paper introduces a message forwarding algorithm for search applications within mobile ad hoc networks that is based on the concept of selecting the nearest node from a set of designated nodes. The algorithm, which is called Minimum Distance P
- We proposed a efficient sector power control based on distance between base station and mobile node. Also we proposed a sleep mode energy control mechanism. In sleep mode energy saving protocol, each sector monitors the number of user in sector
- Each sector monitors the number of user in sector cell. If number of mobile node falls down a given threshold in sector cell, base station shuts down power. Controlling base station power can reduce power consumption of base station
- 平和县网站建设pinghe.yunhuweb.com,平和县网站制作,平和县网站设计,平和县软件开发,平和县手机APP定制,平和县微信公众号注册-Pinghe County website construction pinghe.yunhuweb.com, Pinghe County website production, Pinghe County web site design, Pinghe and software development, Pinghe and mobile APP c