- CamTest.NET VS 编写的 摄像头测试程序
- APEN 样本熵是时间序列复杂度的一种度量
- ADPCM 将音频编码或者解码
- LZW-RLE LZW RLE 数据压缩算法 可实现数据的无损压缩 LZW RLE data compression algorithms can achieve lossless data compression
- fadingTest 三种不同衰落情况下信道容量随平均接收信噪比的变化仿真(the Simulation of the Change of Channel Capacity with Average Received Signal to Noise Ratio in Three Different Fading Cases)
- 一 蒙特卡洛模拟法简介? ?? 蒙特卡洛模拟法的简介
- 遗传算法在冷链物流问题中的应用,可以利用遗传算法计算动态管理问题(The application of genetic algorithm in cold chain logistics problem can use genetic algorithm to calculate dynamic management problem)
- kmeans聚类分析,无监督学习实现Matlab代码(Kmeans clustering analysis, unsupervised learning implementation of MATLAB code)
- 该程序对直升机进行了仿真,可以有效的观察直升机飞行的状态(The program simulates the helicopter, which can effectively observe the flight status of the helicopter)
多智能体一阶二阶一致性 matlab 仿真
- 包涵一阶,二阶多智能体一致性,包涵对车辆的编队的算法仿真,最后仿真实现小车位置和速度的一致性。还包含带领导和时滞系统时的matlab仿真m文件(It includes the consistency of first-order and second-order multi-agent, the algorithm simulation of vehicle formation, and the consistency of vehicle position and speed. It also
- 小波阈值滤波去噪算法中,使用的软硬阈值函数、改进半软阈值函数及示例(In wavelet threshold filtering denoising algorithm, the soft and hard threshold function, improved semi soft threshold function and examples are used)
- 提出网格选取法,在保证变压器不过载运行的同时,灵活规划电动汽车的充电时段。进而基于峰谷分时电价构建了充电电费支出最小的目标函数,并基于遗传算法设计了求取最优网格选取结果的方法与步骤(A grid selection method is proposed to flexibly plan the charging time of electric vehicles while ensuring that the transformers are not in operation. Then, ba
- A*算法;路径规划;matlab栅格法;全局路径规划算法需要画栅格地图,添加障碍物,起点,目标点,本例程可以生成地图(path planning;The global path planning algorithm needs to draw a raster map, add obstacles, starting points, target points, this routine can generate a map)
- 基于BP神经网络的锂离子电池剩余使用寿命预测(Residual service life prediction of lithium ion battery based on BPneural network)
- 一篇关于变分贝叶斯解决噪声参数未知的论文代码,噪声分布使用了逆威沙特分布构建(A paper code about solving the unknown noise parameters with variable decibel Bayes. The noise distribution is constructed with inverse wissaud distribution)
- 使用A*算法实现多机器人路径规划,功能完善,交互选择目标点和机器人(Perfect function, interactive selection of target point and robot, perfect function, interactive selection of target point and robot)
- 在二维环境中使用IMM算法对单目标追踪,包含了CV,CA,CT三种模型,运用了蒙特卡洛方法对误差进行了分析(Using IMM algorithm to track single target in 2D environment)
- 使用蒙特卡洛法对无序充电模型进行负荷计算,得到日充电负荷变化曲线