- 主要包括免疫识别、免疫学习、免疫 记忆、克隆选择、个体多样性、分布式和自适应等,-It is the real engineering app licat ion s that draw the b road at ten2 t ion of compu ter scien t ist s to recogn ize the great po ten t ial of A IS, hereby som e impo rtan t app li2 cat ion f ields as
- 阐述了人工免疫系统的基本概念"讨论了几种典型的算法"包括基于免疫系统基本机制的免疫算法$基于免疫 特异性的否定选择算法-&--F)@+2G*F*E3 J)F*F*4J3 F,/+I+2G KF@4/5+00123 545*30!&’(.&)*+,+-+./’00123(45*30$+5 J)FJF53@$L.53@ F2*E3 0.+2,12-*+F2 F,+00123 545*30!*E3*4J+-././GF)+*E05.)3@35-)+K3@!51-E.5+00123./GF)+*
- 该文侧重以A IS 的基本原理框架为线索, 对其 研究状况加以系统综述.-D raw ing in sp irat ion f rom the verteb rate imm une system , a new research f ield of A rt i2 f icial Imm une System (A IS) is sp ringing up.
- 贝叶斯分类实验,设计简单的线性分类器,了解模式识别的基本方法。掌握利用贝叶斯公式进行设计分类器的方法。-Bayesian classification experiment is designed to be simple linear classifier, know the basic methods of pattern recognition. Master the use of Bayesian classifier design formula method.
- Microsoft Press-Programming Microsoft Robotics Studio.chm 对于机器人爱好者而言Microsoft Robotics Studio应该是最适合用的工具,也是最好用,本书可以教你如何使用这个工具.-Microsoft Press-Programming Microsoft Robotics Studio.chm for robot enthusiasts should be in terms of Microsoft Robotics S
- CAnny算子提取边缘 边缘检测中canny良好独特的效果,广受青睐。内附完整的VC项目文件,和原图像及实验结果图像-Canny edge extraction operator Edge Detection canny good effect unique and widely popular. Containing a complete VC project documents, and the original image and experimental result image
- bp神经网络的应用广泛起来,用C编写的神经网络程序应该是很多人想要的,分享了。-bp neural network applications, use C to prepare procedures for neural network should be a lot of people want to share.
- 函数逼近和预测,通用性较强,但泛化能力还有待测试-Function approximation and prediction, GM stronger, but the generalization ability have to be tested
- 使用k-means算法模拟向量量子化过程-Using k-means algorithm for vector quantization process simulation
- 该程序是模式识别里的fisher和sandu的算法程序,所有的散度情况都考虑在内,总共有四个程序,对学习模式识别很有帮助。-failed to translate
- 克隆选择算法程序。大家多多照顾!谢谢大家!-Clonal selection algorithm. A lot of care for everyone! Thank you everyone!
- 该程序是模式识别课程里的K均值算法程序,对模式识别的进一步理解很有帮助。-The program' s curriculum are pattern recognition algorithm K-means procedure, further understanding of pattern recognition helpful.