- 根据测距仪数据提取人体的代码。使用ada-boost分类器实现。同时包含matlab的实现,在linux下GCC编译。 作者:Luciano Spinello-People2D provides an efficient implementation of the people detector in 2D data originally developed in Human Detection using Multimodal and Multidimensional Features (
- 基于共面线对多个平面区域提取,2011年ICRA国际会议的文章-Multiple Planar Region Extraction Based on the Coplanar Line Pairs, the articles of the 2011 ICRA International Conference
- olve the deterministic finite-horizon optimal control problem with the iLQG (iterative Linear Quadratic Gaussian) or modified DDP (Differential Dynamic Programming) algorithm. Includes two demos, a linear control-constrained problem and a car-parking
- 行人检测,发表于ICRA上,运行依赖于OPENCV与BOOST(pedestrians detection. published in ICRA. rely on OPENCV and BOOST)
visual SLAM
- 照明直观改变视觉SLAM的鲁棒性,2017 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA),作者:Seonwook Park Thomas Sch?ps Marc Pollefeys(Illumination change robustness in direct visual SLAM)
- Robomaster ICRA AI机器人底层STM32代码,基于Freertos,适用于Robomaster A型开发板STM32F427IIHx(Robomaster ICRA AIRobot STM32code Freertos-Robomaster A Development Board STM32F427IIHX)