- wishbone总线协议详细的技术说明文挡!-wishbone bus protocol detailed technical descr iption of the text block!
- 一个简单的SPI IP核,SPI Core Specifications 可以从说明文档中找到! The simple Serial Peripheral Interface core is an enhanced version of the Serial Peripheral Interface found on Motorola s M68HC11 family of CPUs. The Serial Peripheral Interface is a serial, synchron
- 老外写的基于wishbone总线协议的VGA核控制器,Verilog版本适合于初学者学习VGA核控制器的原理以及总线协议的把握-Written by foreigners wishbone bus protocol based on the nuclear VGA controller, Verilog version is suitable for beginners to learn the principles of the controller and the VGA core gras
- uart协议、实现、验证,基于wishbone协议,工业标准为16550A-UART protocol, implementation, verification, based on the Wishbone protocol, the industry standard for the 16550A
- This is a bridge IP core to interface the Tensilica PIF bus protocol with the OpenCores WishBone. It currently supports single-cycle as well as burst transfer operations. The core has been tested in a master-PIF slave-WB configuration.-This is is a b
- wishbone的verilog代码的实现,标准的协议规范-wishbone of the verilog code implementation, the standard protocol specification
- I2C is a two-wire, bidirectional serial bus that provides a simple, efficient method of data exchange between devices. It is primarily used in the consumer and telecom market sector and as a board level communications protocol. The OpenCores I2C Mast
- wishbone protocol verification tool
- Verilog编写的SPI程序,含英文原文档说明,很全的-The OpenCores simple Serial Peripheral Interface core is an enhanced version of the Serial Peripheral Interface found on Motorola s M68HC11 family of CPUs. The Serial Peripheral Interface is a serial, synchronous comm
- 此代码为wishbone公司的IDE协议主机端VHDL源代码,有三个版本,实现了UDMA。版权归wishbone公司,请勿用于商业用途。-This VHDL codes with threr versions implemented IDE host protocol,supporting with UDMA。
- i2C总线的控制器核,实现了I2C的主站功能。-I2C is a two-wire, bidirectional serial bus that provides a simple, efficient method of data exchange between devices. It is primarily used in the consumer and telecom market sector and as a board level communications protocol
- Wishbone规范具有如下特点:简单、紧凑,需要很少的逻辑门 完整的普通数据据传输总线协议,包括单个读写、快传输、读一修改一写周期、事件周期 数据总线宽度可以是8-64位 支持大端(big-endian)和小端(litle-endian),接口自动完成两者之间的转换。支持存储器映射、FIFO存储器、交叉互联 握手协议,允许速率控制 可以达到每个时钟周期进行一次数据传输 支持普通周期结束、重试结束、错误结束等总线周期形式 支持用户自定义的标志:采用MASTER/SLAVE体系结构 支持多点进程(
- 该代码实现了一个基于Wishbone总线协议的DMA控制器,由于SOC可集成的模块越来越多,本文设计的DMAC包含了31个可编程的DMA通道,能够处理多个DMA传输请求。由于数据在Wishbone总线上传输,在总线接口方面,本文设计的DMAC提供了两个既可以作为主机接口又可以作为从机接口的Wishbone接口。当有多个外设同时发出DMA请求时,本文设计的DMAC采用循环优先级和动态优先级相结合的方式,实现了通道仲裁器二级仲裁的功能。为了提高传输效率,本文设计的DMAC不仅支持数据块的传输,还支持