- 随着我国教育产业化的飞速发展,社会对教育水平和教学管理软硬件的要求日益提高,尤其是对一个学校能够具有一整套完善的教学管理软件提出了更多的要求。为了适应这种形式,教育系统尤其是大学不仅首先要有坚实的硬件基础,还要有一整套完善的教学管理软件管理系统。-With the education industry has seen rapid development, community right level of education and teaching management software th
- how to extend an OLE DB consumer template class and make it much easier to use in applications. I had also explained how you can utilize the power of C++ exception-handling feature to make your work easier, especially in error handling. It was just a
- Open Source project for better understand Qualcomm AMSS MSM6250A mobiles. Especially from BenQ Siemens. For Educational purposes.
- 综合运用数据库、文件等知识.作者是下了不少功夫的,尤其是界面及视图不错。下了错不了。-comprehensive use of databases, documents and other knowledge. The author is a lot of work, especially View interface and good. Under a mistake not.
- pb6.5医学出生证明打印软件 资源类别: PowerBuilder源码¦数据库应用 特别是初学PB的朋友。 -pb6.5 medical birth certificate printing software resource categories: PowerBuilder source ¦ database applications, especially beginners PB friends.
- 《SQL server2005数据库服务器架构设计》中文版的,自己扫描的PDF,有重要章节,特别是SQL2005的新特性!-" SQL server2005 database server architecture," the Chinese version of their scanned PDF, there are important sections, especially the new features of SQL2005!
- 这些小实例程序都不错,尤其是对VC++的新手朋友们更有用,主要是使用ADO开发ACCESS数据库的一些实例,涉及用使用ADO创建数据库,插入数据表,新建、删除数据表、读取数据、修改、删除数据等,虽然很简单,但这是用VC++操作数据库的基础知识,学会了受益终身。-Examples of these procedures are good, especially for the new VC++ more useful friends, mainly the development of ACCES
- 图书管理系统是典型的信息管理系统(MIS),其开发主要包括后台数据库的建立和维护 以及前端应用程序的开发两个方面,并借助数据库接口技术(ODBC)实现互连。其能够完成图书入库、查询、借书、还书、 借书证管理等功能的操作。 经过分析,使用 Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0为开发工具,利用其提供的各种面向对象的可视化开发平台及MFC库作为开发工具,采用面向对象技术,图形化的应用开发环境,尤其是它有一个功能极其强大的集成环境提供给开发人员,使得开发人员可通过菜单、界面、图形浏
- 本单位车辆加油管理,根据里程数统计油耗便于管理车辆,特别是车辆比较多的单位比如驾校。-Vehicle fuel management unit, according to fuel consumption and easy to manage vehicle mileage statistics, especially the relatively large number of units of vehicles, such as Driving.
- 介绍了vc的数据库编程,由浅入深,很不错的。还是word版本的,更加方便了。-This source describes database programming,step by step。Especially,it s in type of word, which is convinient for us.
- 用VB写的Access数据查询程序,有要是练习练习Access的编程技巧,比如新增、删除、修改数据等。-Written by VB Access data query program, have if practicing Access programming skills, such as add, delete, modify data. Especially for novice VB quite friendly, learning to use the VB operating Acc
- 熟悉SQL SERVER 2000的数据库管理员都知道,其DTS可以进行数据的导入导出,其实,我们也可以使用Transact-SQL语句进行导入导出操作。在Transact-SQL语句中,我们主要使用OpenDataSource函数、OPENROWSET 函数,关于函数的详细说明,请参考SQL联机帮助。利用下述方法,可以十分容易地实现SQLSERVER、ACCESS、EXCEL数据转换,详细说明如下:- Computer science is developing fast during the
- 初学者学习数据库的资料,里面讲的很详细,特别好-Beginners to learn the information in the database, which talk in great detail, especially
- 实现学生信息的增删改查的简单demo ,特别适合新手练习用-CRUD simple demo student information, especially for novice practice
- PB12.0 及以上中,DW转excel源码,DW转EXCEL后格式及数据基本扣持完整,尤其难得的是大多数DW都能按原格式转为EXCEL文件-PB12.0 and above, DW turn excel source, the DW turn EXCEL format and basic data buckle remain intact, especially unusual is that most of the DW can be the original format to EXCEL
- 数据库的编程十分苦难,尤其体现在其数据库的分析上-Database is an important programming, especially the analysis of the database is particularly important, trust is a big help for you
- 需要反复联系的C语言程序,实在是很不错的,尤其适合新手-Repeatedly linked to C language program, it is very good, especially for the novice
- 需要反复联系的C语言程序,实在是很不错的,尤其适合新手-Repeatedly linked to C language program, it is very good, especially for the novice
- VC获取并设置当前文件夹为程序运行目录,先枚举出自己所在的路径,然后将这个路径设置为工作目录,再此不再多说了,功能比较单一,有空的时候参阅一下,尤其对初级用户有帮助。-VC to get and set the current folder for the program to run directory, where the first enumeration own path, and then the path to working directory, and then say no m
- SQL Server数据库全自动备份工具,无须SQL备份服务运行,是随Windows服务器自动启动的,特别适用于服务器端无人值守的数据库权自动备份,可以设置时点,设置需要备份的一批数据库进行备份。-SQL Server automatic backup tool, no SQL backup service running, is automatically launched with the Windows server, especially for unattended server-s