- Private Sub Command1_Click() strtmp = Text1.Text nlen = Len(strtmp) k = 1 For i = 1 To nlen j = Asc(Mid(strtmp, i, 1)) If j < 47 Or j > 58 Then k = 2 End If Next i If k <> 2 Then Text2.Text = Val(Text1.Tex
- 电子元件基础教程 电阻,英文名resistance,通常缩写为R,它是导体的一种基本性质,与导 的尺寸、材料、温度有关。欧姆定律说,I=U/R,那么R=U/I,电阻的基本单 是欧姆,用希腊字母“Ω”表示,有这样的定义:导体上加上一伏特电压时, 生一安培电流所对应的阻值。 电阻的主要职能就是阻碍电流流过。 事实上, “电 ”说的是一种性质,而通常在电子产品中所指的电阻,是指电阻器这样一种元 。师傅对徒弟说:“找一个100欧的电阻来!”,指的就是一个“电阻值”为 欧姆的电
- A computer program for transient, two-dimensional, Two-Fluid Flow
- k-means clustering algorithm, C means Fuzzy clustering algorithm-k-means clustering algorithm, C means Fuzzy clustering algorithm...
- This version of the 2D Gabor filter is basically a bi-dimensional Gaussian function centered at origin (0,0) with variance S modulated by a complex sinusoid with polar frequency (F,W) and phase P.-This version of the 2D Gabor filter is basically a bi
- This source for utility, which can read via OBD-protocol (for 1st gen. Toyota and etc.). Important! Only OBD (not OBD II). Connect computer via COM-port with adapter, whick work with K-line protocol.-This is source for utility, which can read via OBD