- // 模块说明: FTP传输核心模块类 // 功能: 指定一个下载(上传)的日期或文件名,系统执行传输功能(支持续传) // 备注:该模块属于传输类的一个子线程模块. -//Module Descr iption: FTP transmission core modules category// function: to designate a download (upload) the date or file name, the system transfer function
- 在原有的swift基础上,实现凸分解,计算非凸物体是否相交的碰撞检测程序。-SWIFT++ operates by first computing a surface decomposition of the input models. The pieces are then grouped hierarchically using convex hulls. A pair of bounding volume hierarchies (BVHs) are tested using an imp