- RS485串口通信程序,类似于【串口调试助手】,演示了如何设置RTS和清除RTS,同时,这些设置不影响RS232和RS422的使用-RS485 serial communication program, similar to [serial debugging aides], demonstrates how to set the RTS and clear the RTS at the same time, these settings do not affect the RS232 and
- 整体功能:如果调用的进程不是一个组的组长时,setsid创建一个新会话。调用进程将成为该新会话的组长,新进程组的组长,并且没有控制终端。-The overall function: if the call process is not a group leader, setsid create a new session. Call process will become the new session of the group leader, the new process group lea
- 基于I2C的s35390a驱动程序总结,有不依赖于板级文件的驱动,自己建立client的驱动程序-I2C-based s35390a driver summary does not depend on the driver of the board-level file, build the client driver
- ad7879 驱动程序 * This program is free software you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option)
- ad7877 驱动 * This program is free software you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) a
- 实验一利用课本第9页程序1-5的框架,实现允许输入命令带参数的简单shell。原来的实现是不能够带参数的。输入命令所能带的参数个数,只受到系统键盘输入缓冲区长度(以及shell输入缓冲区长度)的限制,该缓冲区的缺省长度是4096个字节。-Experiments using the framework of textbooks 9 program 1-5, simple shell allows the input command with parameters. The original imp
- 这个结构是定义一个USB串行驱动。它提供了所有的的信息USB系列核心代码的需要。如果函数指针定义,然后当TTY端口功能一致的时候USB系列核心代码会叫他们是所谓的天圆。如果他们不被调用,则为通用串行函数来代替。-This structure is defines a USB Serial driver. It provides all of the information that the USB serial core code needs. If the function pointer
- 1) The drive module does not include the iic initialization of the camera chip, the initialization part is located ov9650_init. 2) If the file system is not supported under 2.6 insmod command, please use the bag new_rootfs.cramfs root file system,
- 这是一本介绍linux2.6协议栈源代码的书,不是介绍“协议”的书。-This is an introduction linux2.6 protocol stack source code, not the book introduces the "Agreement".
- 关于arm9G20处理器的串口驱动,没有使用DMA,但可作为驱动学习入门参考,我已经在板子上实现了,当串口不能使用时,可用ssh进行监听。-Serial driver about arm9G20 processors, does not use DMA, but can be used as learning portal reference to the drive, I' ve been on the board when the serial port can not be used
- 1,此源代码为本人所写,非GNU的源代码,不要因此而误导大家,摆出此来仅供交流 2,此源代码不完整,shell的很多功能都没有实现,只是实现了一些主要的功能 3,实现功能如下: a,输入命令,并运行 b,实现if 和while的深层嵌套 c,实现环境变量,和shell本身变量 d,实现管道和重定向等功能。 4,由于能力问题,程序可能有错误,欢迎高手指点-1, this source code as I wrote, non-G
- 屏幕校准,有了就不需要在校准;获取点击平均AD值,只有当抬起的时候才返回AD值-With the calibration does not need the screen calibration obtain clicks average AD value, only when the lift when it returns to the AD value
- 单片机驱动4位数码管实现个十百千万循环计数。有的数码管不亮是因为硬件的问题。可能是硬件功率太大了。-Microcontroller to drive 4 digital tube ten Millions of cycle counting. Some digital tube does not shine because of hardware problems. May be hardware too much power.
- 出现/usr/lib stdc++.so.6: version `GLIBCXX_3.4.9 not found问题时,原因是libstdc++.so.6.0的版本比较低,使用此附件可以很好的解决这个问题 ================================================================================================ 本资料共包含以下附件: libstdc++.so.6.0.13.rar-/ Usr/
- zlog是一个高可靠性、性能、线程安全、灵活、概念清晰的纯C日志函数库。 事实上,在C的世界里面没有特别好的日志函数库(就像JAVA里面的的log4j,或者C++的 log4cxx)。C程序员都喜欢用自己的轮子。printf就是个挺好的轮子,但没办法通过配置改变 日志的格式或者输出文件。syslog是个系统级别的轮子,不过速度慢,而且功能比较单调。 所以我写了zlog。 zlog在效率、功能、安全性上大大超过了log4c,并且是用c写成的,具有比较好的通用性。 zlog有
- kexec使用Unix系统调用exec()的覆盖哲理,它产生一个新的内核覆盖正在运行的内核。这个过程不用启动机器上的固件(firmware),所以可以节省一些重启时间。-kexec using the Unix system call exec () covering philosophy, it produces a new kernel covering the running kernel. This process do not have to start the firmware (f
- 学习嵌入式要打好基础,弄懂基本的硬件接口gpio,在和硬件平台打交道中就不怕了-The learning embedded to lay a solid foundation to understand the basic hardware interface gpio not afraid of dealing and hardware platforms
- ILI9486驱动代码。3.5寸屏幕,网上决定找不到的好资料。今天奉献了-ILI9486 driver code. 3.5-inch screen, online, decided not found good information. Dedication today! !
- usb转串口很好用 不多说 自己看 已经测试-usb to serial port that looks good with not much to say has been tested
- 粤嵌教育的嵌入式培训课件,关于驱动的,网上暂时还没人上传过。-Guangdong embedded in the education of embedded training courseware, driven, on-line temporarily not uploaded people.