- 9宫棋当初写这个小程序只是为了验证想法,搞着好玩.代码很乱,你要是运气好看懂了, 不妨改改.或者直接重新写个,来个程序间的互博.很期待跟哪位的程序对战几盘哈, 虽然这种棋相当简单,一共只有725种变化,跟围棋太没得比了,不过仍然有乐趣,特别是 当你看到你的程序最开始还是个超级傻瓜,而随着它不断的学习最后它竟变成了巨人. 当把它想成一个生命体,一个会不断变异进化提高的生命时,就变得更加有趣了. 来吧,来创造你的生命吧. -9 chess palace had to writ
- Checkers is one of the most commonly played games in the world, each culture has its own version of it and feels as if it originated from it, though its original implementation was Chinese. This project is interesting for several reasons including th
- Sports help everyone to keep healthy, happy, and efficient. So I pay special attention to games, especially table-tennis. Table tennis is my favorite game. I play it almost every day. Table-tennis is an ideal game us because it brings the whole bo
- 4G区码修改器,网上很多人卖几千的东西,原理非常简单,特拿出来共享。-4G Region modifier, many people sell for thousands of online things, the principle is very simple, especially out to share.
- C#写的对对碰游戏,画面特别精致,游戏流畅,可作为课程设计-C# to write the right touch game, showing especially fine, the game flow, can be used as course design
- 本程序解决的通用问题是输入四个数,通过四则运算获取指定解的问题。 典型的是四数求二十四问题(算24点问题,又叫4张牌求24点问题,求24问题)。比如说给出7,-7,3,-3如何用+-*/)(运算符号,不重复的利用这四个数求得结果为24?不要认为这类问题简单,它其实有16896种可能的排列方法 而且,即使不用括号也有成百上千种可能 甚至,你不知道它是否有解。显然,用人脑解决一般是很费时费力的。重复性强的脑力活动交给程序办比较合适。同时,也应一个作家教的同学的要求(她被这样的初中题目难倒过,偏偏
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