- 随着信息化、 智能化、 网络化的发展 ,嵌入式技术已经成为通信和消费类产品的共同发展方向。简要介绍嵌入 式操作系统 Windows CE ,同时对 Windows CE下两种基本的驱动开发模型本机设备驱动程序和流接口驱动程序进行重点 说明。在了解两种模型的基础上 ,以基于 S3C2440 处理器的 UART0 驱动程序开发为例 ,详细介绍嵌入式操作系统 Win2 dows CE下流接口设备驱动开发的具体过程-With the development of information ,i
- 本视频介绍了Windows CE的开发环境,如何用PB来定制Windows ce系统以及内核的裁剪等,特别适合想入门的朋友-This video describes the Windows CE development environment, how to use PB to customize the Windows ce system and core cutting, etc., especially suitable for entry to a friend
- Bossa API 软件代码,Bossa does not require a RDBMS and is very simple to use and to integrate with java applications. Actually, it was designed to be embedded. Therefore, Bossa is organized as a library to be used by server side applications (especially w
- Windows Embedded CE 6.0 New Features,详细介绍wince的体系结构,特别是内存管理,wince驱动等,还讲了设备管理器和文件系统。以及wince6.0特性。-Windows Embedded CE 6.0 New Features, details of the architecture of wince, especially the memory management, wince drivers, etc., also stresses the Dev
- Windows Mobile 是基于Windows CE操作系统的,是针对小内存和有限资源的移动设备而进行的开发,因此在开发过程中同PC的开发有很大的区别。特别是UI的开发,要针对手持设备进行开发,同时要符合手持设备的习惯操作。下面就我在开发过程中对UI开发的认识进行一些叙述。-Windows Mobile is based on Windows CE operating system, which is based on small memory and limited resources o
- SystemInformation 是由德国人 Daniel Schumann 开发的一款用于 PND 设备 WinCE 系统上的免费桌面程序,由于是德语很多人都弄弄不懂,特分享给大家。-SystemInformation by German Daniel Schumann developed free desktop program on the PND device for a WinCE system, because it is a lot of German people Nongno