- Have you ever wanted to copy a file from your Desktop Computer to your handheld Pocket PC? This included any Windows CE version too? Well if so, I will present an easy way to do it here: It s called the Remote Application Programming Interface, or, R
- wince编程第三版,对WINCE初学者很有帮助,欢迎下载-The Third Version of wince program It do much help to the laymans. welcome here!
- //打开 USB 口读写, 由驱动程序的 Pipe 名确定 HANDLE hPipe = OpenMyDevPipe(\"MyPipe1\") //驱动程序里面的 Pipe 名, 对应访问某个端点的 I/O, 这里我乱写的, 需要与驱动一致 if(hPipe != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) //打开 Pipe 成功 { ReadFile(hPipe, Buffer, BufSize, &nBytesRead, NULL) //从 hPipe 里读取数
- #ifdef _AFXDLL Enable3dControls() // Call this when using MFC in a shared DLL #else Enable3dControlsStatic() // Call this when linking to MFC statically #endif CPreviewDialogDlg dlg m_pMainWnd = &dlg int nResponse = dlg.Do
- wince EVC 简单的图片浏览功能,自已随意扩展 支持 *.bmp *.jpg *.gif *.png 等等 // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here CString defFilter(\"选中其中一个文件|*.bmp *.jpg *.gif *.png\") CFileDialog dlg(TRUE,NULL,NULL,OFN_ALLOWMULTISELECT,defFilter) i
- wince6.0中文模拟器,开发智能设备应用软件必备的工具.有了它,可以不装wince6.0安装文件,为磁盘节省约10个G,就能在VS2005中调试应用程序。 免去了不小心wince系统出问题了,重装VS2005,及wince6.0的痛苦。 以前一直在这里下载各位的精美程序,这次终于能有自己的好东西给各位了。 接触wince有3个月了,一直为模拟器的事情反复重装系统,那段经历太痛苦了。 有了这款模拟器,相信你一定开心,第一次分享自己的原创,非常开心! 使用中有疑问,
- 有人也许和我一样比较心急,想尽快知道如何去写一个具体的驱动程序,这里,假设您对驱动程序已经有比较好的了解,告诉大家一个快速上路的方法-Some may like me more anxious, wants to know how to write a specific driver, here, on the assumption that your driver has a better understanding, tell you a quick way of the road
- windows ce 开发注意事项,Here are some notes for developers who use Vortex86 BSP to make Windows CE image. They will be helpful for developers to tune Windows CE image on Vortex86 boards.-windows ce development of attention;Here are some notes for develop
- big clock for ppc here you have a big clock for your telephone
- 这里主要是基于wince的GPRS的开发,包含了源代码-Wince here is based mainly on the development of the GPRS, including the source code
- EVC编程,关于anydata公司的DTGS-800的拨号程序及来电显示、GPS定位信息发送AT指令,返回相应的经纬度信息。 该软件能够实现拨打电话,位置定位。 根据网友的程序进行更改的。这里感谢本站的网友!-EVC programming, on the anydata' s DTGS-800 dial-up procedures and caller ID, GPS location information to send AT commands, returning the corr
- .net mf是开发WINCE的一个环境,小巧而且使用。这里详细的介绍了它的特点和使用方法。-. Net mf WINCE is to develop an environment, small and use. Described in detail here, its characteristics and use.
- 众所周知,wm 5.0开始就支持gdi+,但是,由于一些未开放的函数,gdiplus.dll总是保持着神秘色彩而不为大家所熟悉,这里介绍一个封装好的gdi+库,让你像在win32下一样使用gdi+。-As we all know, wm 5.0 beginning supported gdi+, but not open because of some function, gdiplus.dll not always maintained a mystery as we are familiar
- 大家都知道,wm从5.0开始支持gdi+,但是,经过了6.0,到6.5,微软依旧未开放wm上的gdi+,这里介绍一个封装好的,以供广大爱好者使用。-As we all know, wm 5.0, support from the gdi+, but, after a 6.0 to 6.5, Microsoft is still not open wm on the gdi+, presented here a good package for the majority of enthusiast
- WINCE添加驱动程序,目的为响应S3C2410的EINT7中断,使用了rGB2作为LED状态输出 1.Kernel\Hal\cfw.c OEMInitInterrupts()使能EINT7、LED(Output)、触发方式 2.Inc\oalintr.h(Inc\oalintr.inc) 增加:#define SYSINTR_BEEP (SYSINTR_FIRMWARE+19) 修改: _inline DWORD MapIrq2SysIntr(DWORD _Irq)
- 大名鼎鼎的开源杀毒软件ClamWin Antivirus, 可以远行在windows, wince, linux, unit, mac操作系统上, 今天我把代码上传到这儿, 希望对朋友有用. -The famous open-source anti-virus software ClamWin Antivirus, you can travel in the windows, wince, linux, unit, mac operating system, today I uploade
- 从WinCE5.0开始,微软就公开了WinCE的相关源代码。一方面,这使我们可以更深入的学习WinCE操作系统,另外一方面,也让定制个性化WinCE操作系统成为可能。这里要介绍的就是如何编译WinCE公开的源代码,以开机输入密码的界面为例。-From WinCE5.0, Microsoft WinCE related to open the source code. On the one hand, this allows us to more in-depth study WinCE oper
- 开发平台:vs2005; 目标平台:WINCE; 功能描述: 进程间通讯的方法有很多,除了常用的剪切板外,还可以用以下几种方法来实现:利用Windows消息WM_COPYDATA、全局原子、内存映射文件、命名管道、邮槽等。 在这里我使用的是Windows消息WM_COPYDATA来实现进程间通讯。-Development platform: vs2005 target platform: WINCE Descr iption: inter-process communicat
- 学过一段时间的WIN CE,感觉那是一个很难的东西,这里上传一个老师分享的一个东西,是关于sqlite在WINCE上的使用+vc++的,有兴趣的人看看吧!-Studies over a period of time WIN CE, feeling that it is a very difficult thing, here to upload a teacher to share one thing, is on the SQLite WINCE in the use of VC++, int
- 有人也许和我一样比较心急,想尽快知道如何去写一个具体的驱动程序,这里,假设您对驱动程序已经有比较好的了解,告诉大家一个快速上路的方法。当然,如果您有足够的时间我建议在动手之前还是深入了解一下CE整个系统架构-Some may like me more anxious, as soon as possible to know how to write a specific driver, here, assuming you have good drivers understand the roa