- MCPU is a minimal cpu aimed to fit into a 32 Macrocell CPLD - one of the smallest available programmable logic devices. While this CPU is not powerful enough for real world applications it has proven itself as a valuable educational tool. The source
- 比特序列传送模块 把输入的八位比特数据 做循环后每个比特输出 详细请看英文描述-• To create Verilog-HDL modules written in the RTL style appropriate for both simulation and synthesis, for the various component parts of an Asynchronous Serial Data Transmitter. • To verify th
- RTL 异步数据传送模块 用verilog HDL 语言描述 输入为八比特数据,执行操作后异步每比特输出。-• To create Verilog-HDL module written in the RTL style appropriate for both simulation and synthesis, for an Asynchronous Serial Data Transmitter. • To verify the correct behavi
- Altera公司原版设计手册,关于signaltap ii。-This tutorial explains how to use the SignalTap II feature within Altera’s Quartus R II software. The Signal- Tap II Embedded Logic Analyzer is a system-level debugging tool that captures and displays signals in
- ChipScope软件调试数字系统设计 学会使用ChipScope在线逻辑分析仪工具对设计进行分析; 总结ChipScope软件调试与波形仿真的区别。 -ChipScope software debugging digital system design online learn to use ChipScope logic analyzer tool to analyze the design summary ChipScope software debugging and wa
- Quartus II was a development tool of CPLD / FPGA by Altera Company. Quartus II provides a fully integrated circuit structure and has nothing with the development package environment, it has all the features of digital logic design, it is including: a
- This tutorial explains how to use the SignalTap II feature within Altera’s Quartus R II software. The Signal- Tap II Embedded Logic Analyzer is a system-level debugging tool that captures and displays signals in circuits designed for implement
- 本文作者创新点是基于FPGA完成乐曲演奏电路,在Altera Quartus II 环境下,用VHDL 语言实现电子琴演奏音乐的设计实例,设计者根据VHDL的语法规则,对系统的逻辑行为进行描述,然后通过综合工具进行电路结构的综合、编译、优化,用仿真,可在短时间内设计出高效、稳定、符合设计要求的电路。-This innovation is the author of music to play based on FPGA to complete the circuit, the Altera Qu
- 1、可编程逻辑器件,即应用EDA技术完成电子系统设计的载体; 2、硬件描述语言(VHDL 或者 Verilog)。它用来描述系统的结构和功 能,是EDA的主要表达手段; 3、配套的软件工具。它用来完成电子系统的智能化设计; 4、实验开发系统。在整个EDA设计电子系统的过程中,实验开发系统是实现可编程器件下载和验证的工具, -A programmable logic device, the application of EDA technology to complete th
- Multisim® is a schematic capture, simulation, and programmable logic tool used by college and university students in their course of study of electronics and electrical engineering. Multisim is widely regarded as an excellent tool for classroom a
- Quartus II使用教程,Quartus II是Altera公司推出的CPLD/FPGA开发工具,Quartus II提供了完全集成且与电路结构无关的开发包环境,具有数字逻辑设计的全部特性-Quartus II using the tutorial, Quartus II Altera Corporation launched CPLD/FPGA development tool, Quartus II development kit provides a fully integrated
- xilinx spartan 6 pcie 仿真教程,v2.4版本,主要是讲解如何使用pcie core和自己的用户逻辑级联仿真。-xilinx spartan 6 pcie sim tutorial ,tell readers how to sim using pcie core and user app logic,tool:questasim
- 首先要知道自己在干什么?数字电路(fpga/asic)设计就是逻辑电路的实现,这样子说太窄了,因为asic还有不少是模拟的,呵呵。我们这里只讨论数字电路设计。实际上就是如何把我们从课堂上学到的逻辑电路使用原理图(很少有人用这个拉),或者硬件描述语言(Verilog/VHDL)来实现,或许你觉得这太简单了,其实再复杂的设计也就是用逻辑门电路搭起来的。你学习逻辑电路的时候或许会为卡拉图,触发器状态推倒公式而感到迷惑,但是其实有一点可以放心的是,实际设计中只要求你懂得接口时序和功能就可以了,用不着那么
- 使用HLS完成BCH编码的运算通路的设计,纯组合逻辑,对于65nm工艺可跑上1GHz。已经组合逻辑分为了多个部分,可在每一个部分之间插流水线。 附上可综合的纯RTL Code以及C++代码,以及Modelsim仿真。 可通过我的优化选项来学习如何优化HLS工具生产的代码。(BCH Encoder realized using HLS tool. Combinational logic.)
- 利用硬件(可编程逻辑器件FPGA)实现密码算法SHA256,在FPGA中嵌入软核NIOSii,在NIOSii上进行软件编程。 硬件EDA工具为ALTERA的Quartus ii,软件IDE为eclipse(嵌在Quartua中)。(The hardware (programmable logic device FPGA) is used to implement the cryptographic algorithm SHA256, and the soft core NIOSii is em