- 1、 用FPGA实现PS/2鼠标接口。 2、 鼠标左键按下时十字形鼠标图象的中间方块改变颜色,右按下时箭头改变颜色。 3、 Reset按键:总复位。 -one with FPGA PS / 2 mouse interface. 2, the left mouse button pressed cruciform images in the middle mouse to change the color box, press the right arrow at the change
- 在8*8的双色点阵模块上显示电子路标,即一个箭头,并要求箭头可以沿一定方向流动。-The program will show a floating digital arrow along a direction in the square area with 8*8 double-color LEDs .
- Consider the following variation on the traffic light controller problem. A North-South road intersects an East-West road. In addition to the Red/Yellow/Green traffic lights, the N-S road has green left-turn arrows. The arrows work as follows. Wit
- The red arrow showed the output became 8 when the measured temperature changed to 11°C. As shown by black arrow, the maximum output was 28. The program was run according to the proposed method.
- The red arrow showed the output became 8 when the measured temperature changed to 11°C. As shown by black arrow, the maximum output was 28. The program was run according to the proposed method.
- The red arrow showed the output became 8 when the measured temperature changed to 11°C. As shown by black arrow, the maximum output was 28. The program was run according to the proposed method.
- The red arrow showed the output became 8 when the measured temperature changed to 11°C. As shown by black arrow, the maximum output was 28. The program was run according to the proposed method.
- The red arrow showed the output became 8 when the measured temperature changed to 11°C. As shown by black arrow, the maximum output was 28. The program was run according to the proposed method.
- 详细描述设计过程 ① 指令格式设计 ② 微操作的定义 ③ 节拍的划分 ④ 处理器详细结构设计框图及功能描述(评分重点) a. 模块之间的连线单线用细线,2根及以上用粗线并标出根数及. b. 用箭头标明数据流向,例化时用到的信号名称应标在连线上 ⑤ 各功能模块结构设计框图及功能描述(评分重点) ⑥ VHDL代码、UCF文件、测试指令序列(每条指令的含义) ⑦ 实验总结,在调试和下载过程中遇到的问题 -Design Pr
- 详细描述设计过程和实验中遇到的问题,包括: ① 指令格式设计 ② 微操作的定义 ③ 节拍的划分 ④ 处理器详细结构设计框图及功能描述(评分重点) a. 模块之间的连线单线用细线,2根及以上用粗线并标出根数及. b. 用箭头标明数据流向,例化时用到的信号名称应标在连线上 ⑤ 各功能模块结构设计框图及功能描述(评分重点) ⑥ VHDL代码、UCF文件、测试指令序列(每条指令的含义) 实验总结,在调试和下载过程中遇到的问题
- 这是一个基于VGA显示和PS2键盘的贪吃蛇游戏进入时屏幕提示“enter to play”,W,S,A,D四个CS游戏方向键,可按下P(PAUSE)暂停,进入选择关级,然后按下G(GO_ON)继续。游戏设置9关,每关吃下21个苹果即可过关。蛇的移动速度随着关级增加。每次按下按键都会有蜂鸣器提示声(暂时没有设置声音开关按钮,有兴趣的同学可以自己设计一下)。-This is a VGA-based display and PS2 keyboard greedy snake game when the