- SED1330/1335/1336/E1330液晶显示控制器及51汇编源程序.液晶显示程序,显示图形及汉字.-SED1330/1335/1336/E1330 LCD controller and the source of 51 Series procedures. LCD procedures, and show pictures of Chinese characters.
- Picasa 是Google提供的一个 Windows 应用程序;用户可以借助于该程序,在数秒钟内找到自己计算机上的图片,加以编辑并进行欣赏。-Picasa is the Google of a Windows application; Users can aid the process, in just a few seconds to find their own pictures on the computer, edit them and appreciate.
- ILI9481配现代3.5LCD的8051单片机测试程序,MCU接口,全视角.显示6幅小图片.-ILI9481 3.5LCD 8051 with modern testing procedures, MCU interfaces, full view. Shows six small pictures.
- 利用fpga实现vga解码,并且实现了一个现存,可以通过普通总线对显存进行操作来实现图像的相识,用2410控制可以显示图片,验证过~-Decoding vga use fpga to achieve, and the realization of a current through common memory bus to operate to achieve the known image with 2410 control can display pictures, verified ~
- 一个基于哈弗曼编码的解码器,用于jpeg格式的图片的解码,以及音频流解码。-Huffman code is used in the most streaming applications. I have written a Huffman decoder for jpeg pictures. For audio or other data streams the code have to adapt.
- 串并转换的verilog文件带仿真结果图片的-String and convert the verilog file with simulation results pictures
- 用于12864的LCD驱动的VHDL源程序代码,可显示四幅图片-The LCD driver for 12864 VHDL source code can be displayed four pictures
- 用VHDL编写的数控分频器及其仿真结果图片。该程序能实现PWM波形输出以及产生正负脉冲宽度可调的方波输出。-Prepared by the NC VHDL Simulation results divider and pictures. The program can achieve positive and negative PWM waveform output and pulse width adjustable square wave output.
- xilinx fpga 内嵌入软核处理器Microblaze,控制lcd12864 液晶显示,数字 字符 汉字 自定义字符 图片等-xilinx fpga embedded soft-core processor Microblaze, control lcd12864 liquid crystal display, digital characters in Chinese characters and pictures from the definition of
- 走马灯,又名马骑灯,是中国传统玩具之一,灯笼的一种,常见于元夕、元宵、中秋等节日。灯内点上蜡烛,烛产生的热力造成气流,令轮轴转动。轮轴上有剪纸,烛光将剪纸的影投射在屏上,图象便不断走动。因多在灯各个面上绘制古代武将骑马的图画,而灯转动时看起来好像几个人你追我赶一样,故名走马灯。走马灯内的蜡烛需要切成小段,放入走马灯时要放正,切勿斜放。走马灯VHDL代码 非常有用非常有用!-Revolving door, also known as Maji lights, is one of the tradi
- DE1的LED流水灯,数码管显示,可修改参数完成自定义的显示,有UART串口通信代码,VGA信号显示图片。-DE1 of the LED water lamp, LED display, you can modify the parameters to complete a custom show that UART serial communication code, VGA signal display pictures.
- 利用matlab和modelsim完成了用直方图均衡化处理灰色图片的前仿真,有处理前后图片的对比,verilog语言编写,但到用实时处理还差很远-Completed using matlab and modelsim deal with the gray image histogram equalization before the simulation, a comparison of before and after pictures, verilog language, but with
- 本文设计的是基于大规模FPGA的BMP图库管理,完成了数码相框的一部分功能。并且本文详细地介绍了BMP图库管理的软硬件实现,即采用Altera的CyclonII系列EP2C20F484C7作为主控芯片,内嵌32位的NiosII软核,采用SDRAM作为内存,把存储在SD卡内的二进制图片信息读入内存,并控制TFT彩色液晶,读取图片数据送到液晶上显示。整个过程的所有设备都是通过Avalon总线挂在NiosII上,在NiosII的协调下正常工作。 本作品最终能显示存入SD卡内的彩色图片信息,图
- 本文设计的是基于大规模FPGA的BMP图库管理,完成了数码相框的一部分功能。并且本文详细地介绍了BMP图库管理的软硬件实现,即采用Altera的CyclonII系列EP2C20F484C7作为主控芯片,内嵌32位的NiosII软核,采用SDRAM作为内存,把存储在SD卡内的二进制图片信息读入内存,并控制TFT彩色液晶,读取图片数据送到液晶上显示。整个过程的所有设备都是通过Avalon总线挂在NiosII上,在NiosII的协调下正常工作。 本作品最终能显示存入SD卡内的彩色图片信息,图
- 用凌阳61实现splc501图片显示,点亮整个屏幕,持续一段时间,显示图片-Achieved with the Sunplus 61 splc501 picture shows light up the whole screen for some time, show pictures
- 这是由简单串行转并行的一个verlog程序,还带testbench,有一张仿真的图片在里面。软件用的是Quartus II9.1 Web Edition。-This is from the simple serial turn a verlog parallel programs, but also bring testbench, and a simulation pictures in it. Software is used II9.1 Web Quartus happen.
- 用于驱动800*600 LCOS的代码,使其显示红、绿、蓝、白、黑、网格线等图片-Used to drive 800* 600 LCOS code to display the red, green, blue, white, black, grid lines, and pictures
- LED电子工程师必备知识,讲述LED显示器的原理,驱动设计等,有图有真相。-LED electronic engineers essential knowledge about the principles of LED displays, drive design, there are pictures and the truth.
- 美国加州伯克利大学经典培训教程-VERILOG宝典, 图文并茂, 实例众多, 文字简洁优美, 彩图一目了然. 学习的VERILGO的必备教程-University of California, Berkeley, USA classic training tutorial-VERILOG Collection, illustrations, numerous examples, written in simple and beautiful, color pictures at a glance
- 来自官方网站的quartusII中文说明,图文并茂地介绍了该软件的使用过程,可以作为参考资料保存备用。-From the official website the quartusII English descr iption, with pictures of the software are presented using process, can be used as a reference material save. Set aside.