- 报童问题的计算机仿真 %tm一轮实验的预定模拟天数 %t一轮实验的仿真天数累积值 %z订报量 %z 最优订报量 %g订报量z之上界 %s1损失值之累计值 %s最小损失值值 %r按概率分布产生随机售报量样本-newsboy problem of computer simulation% tm an experimental simulation of the target number of days a t% of the experimental days of
- 1、编制程序显示印章图像(24位真彩色位图); 2、读出位图中每一像素点的(R,G,B)样本值; 3、以RGB其中某两个(或三个)为坐标,取一定数量的图像点为分析样本,分析其坐标系中的分布; 4、采用本章学习的方法找到分类判别函数,对这些样本进行分类;(要求首先将印章与底纹区分,如有可能将印章、底纹、签字区分) 5、将分类后的结果标记到原始图像上,检查其效果。 -1, the preparation procedures showed that the seal image
- 对应分析correspondence analysis(ANACOR) [G,F,A]=ANACOR(X),X为原始数据 p X n维 即有n个样本,每个样本由p个变量来描述。返回F为R型因子分析后的结果,Q为最后的结果,A=ZZ 。-Correspondence analysis correspondence analysis (ANACOR) [G, F, A] = ANACOR (X), X for the original data p X n that is n-dimension
- fit_maxwell_pdf - Non Linear Least Squares fit of the maxwellian distribution. given the samples of the histogram of the samples, finds the distribution parameter that fits the histogram samples. fits data to the probability of the form:
- fit_ML_normal - Maximum Likelihood fit of the laplace distribution of i.i.d. samples!. Given the samples of a laplace distribution, the PDF parameter is found fits data to the probability of the form: p(x) = 1/(2*b)*exp(-abs(x-u)/b)
- fit_ML_normal - Maximum Likelihood fit of the laplace distribution of i.i.d. samples!. Given the samples of a laplace distribution, the PDF parameter is found fits data to the probability of the form: p(x) = 1/(2*b)*exp(-abs(x-u)/b)
- fit_ML_normal - Maximum Likelihood fit of the log-normal distribution of i.i.d. samples!. Given the samples of a log-normal distribution, the PDF parameter is found fits data to the probability of the form: p(x) = sqrt(1/(2*pi))/(s*x)*
- fit_ML_normal - Maximum Likelihood fit of the normal distribution of i.i.d. samples!. Given the samples of a normal distribution, the PDF parameter is found fits data to the probability of the form: p(r) = sqrt(1/2/pi/sig^2)*exp(-((r-u
- fit_ML_rayleigh - Maximum Likelihood fit of the rayleigh distribution of i.i.d. samples!. Given the samples of a rayleigh distribution, the PDF parameter is found fits data to the probability of the form: p(r)=r*exp(-r^2/(2*s))/s wit
- fit_rayleigh_pdf - Non Linear Least Squares fit of the Rayleigh distribution. given the samples of the histogram of the samples, finds the distribution parameter that fits the histogram samples.fits data to the probability of the form: p(r)=r*exp(-
- 衰落信道仿真 function r = rayleigh( fd, fs, Ns ) r = rayleigh(fd,fs,N) A Rayleigh fading simulator based on Clarke s Model Creates a Rayleigh random process with PSD determined by the vehicle s speed. INPUTS: fd = doppler frequency
- 模式识别中的最大最小距离算法,这程序处理二维数据,我发现网上的程序都是设置一个很大的数组,但本程序是无论多少数据样本都可以处理的。结果存放在两个数组中,z数组存放中心数据,r数组的cente是样本所属的S-Maximum and minimum distance algorithm in pattern recognition, this program deal with two-dimensional data, I found the online program are set to a
- This Matlab Code models a Rayleigh fading channel using a modified Jakes channel model. A modified Jakes model chooses slightly different spacings for the scatterers and scales their waveforms using Walsh–Hadamard sequences to ensure zero cross-co
- R programming samples for data analysis. These are some codes created when studying R programming obtained through a coursera course. These are trial codes only.
- 方差分析又称“变异数分析”,是R.A.Fisher发明的,用于两个及两个以上样本均数差别的显著性检验(ANOVA, also called variance analysis, was invented by R.A.Fisher, which was used to test the significance of the mean difference between two and more than two samples)
- Relief算法中特征和类别的相关性是基于特征对近距离样本的区分能力。算法从训练集D中选择一个样本R,然后从和R同类的样本中寻找最近邻样本H,称为Near Hit,从和R不同类的样本中寻找最近样本M,称为Near Miss,根据以下规则更新每个特征的权重: 如果R和Near Hit在某个特征上的距离小于R和Near Miss上的距离,则说明该特征对区分同类和不同类的最近邻是有益的,则增加该特征的权重;反之,如果R和Near Hit在某个特征上的距离大于R和Near Miss上的距离,则说明该特