- 这是一个基于WEB的树木分类专家系统asp源代码,对于初学者特别有帮助!-This is a Web-based expert system for classification trees asp source code, especially for beginners help!
- vb写的改进的遗传算法程序。是一些通用代码,与具体问题对应的代码空出来,用的时候填进去。根据我的经验,要想用好遗传算法,代码必须自己写,因为问题不同,编码,杂交,变异算子可能都不一样。特别是杂交算子,需要根据问题调整,甚至创造出新的杂交方法。而且适应度计算的代码也需要自己写,特别是带约束的优化问题 -vb write improvement in the genetic algorithm. Some common code, with the specific issues the corre
- Simon Haykin的 《Neural NetWorks》例子原码,相当经典。相信很有用,特别SVM PCA等-Simon Haykin "Neural NetWorks" examples of the original code, very classic. I believe very useful, especially in such SVM PCA
- Hidden_Markov_model_for_automatic_speech_recognition This code implements in C++ a basic left-right hidden Markov model and corresponding Baum-Welch (ML) training algorithm. It is meant as an example of the HMM algorithms described by L.Rabiner
- 本程序是一个十分经典的神经网络程序,具有很强的实用性,特别适合多样本分类。-This procedure is a very classical neural network procedures, very practical, especially for the classification of variety. 双语对照查看 翻译结果重试 抱歉,系统响应超时,请稍后再试 支持中文、英文免费在线翻译 http://fanyi.baidu.com/trans
- NetLogo是一个用于模拟自然和社会现象的可编程建模平台。可方便的建立传染病传播模型。可以通过共享模型文档进行合作开发和交流。尤其适合于复杂性系统的仿真开发。开发者可以对成百上千个相互依赖且并行运行的Agent发实时指令。-NetLogo is a used to simulate the natural and social phenomena modeling programmable platform. Can be a convenient model for the establis
- 自适应遗传算法,特别适用于初学者,具体应用时只需更改目标程序即可-Adaptive genetic algorithm, especially suitable for beginners, specific application procedures can simply change the target
- VC++编程应用人工智能之遗传算法(GA),对学习遗传算法的人,尤其是初学者和研究者都有很大的帮助-VC++ programming applications of artificial intelligence, genetic algorithms (GA), genetic algorithm learning, especially for beginners and researchers are of great help to
- The included Sophia project is intended to be both instructive and fun. It is, at the most basic level, a chatterbox application with speech synthesis and speech recognition tacked on to it. I originally meant for it to be a showcase of what one can
- 《求解全局优化问题的混合自适应正交遗传算法》一文的源码,见软件学报2010年第6期的文章。该代码中的自适应正交叉遗传算子有极强的搜索能力,特别适合高维工程函数模型的优化,如机器人多自由度的数学模型优化。虽然本人虽已不从事什么学术上的研究,但若你借鉴了其中的代码或者思想,请把该文献加入到你的参考文件中,谢谢。-" Global Optimization Problem with adaptive orthogonal genetic algorithm," a source te
- MR图像分割的博士论文,对医学图像处理尤其是医学图像分割很有帮助-MR image segmentation of the doctoral thesis, especially in medical image processing medical image segmentation helpful
- 很详细地介绍了weka的数据挖掘功能,尤其是分类模块很完善。-Very detailed descr iption of the weka data mining function, especially the classification module is perfect.
- 该程序用来路径优化,特别应用在工程中的大型机械作业工作面的路径优化-The program is used to route optimization, especially applications in engineering work in the face of large mechanical path optimization
- 基于matlab的遗传算法源码,很好用,特别是对人工智能研究有帮助-The genetic algorithm based on matlab source, very friendly, especially for artificial intelligence research helps
- 一本适合初学者的遗传算法好书啊,附有C语言的代码程序,对初学者特别有用。-A good book for beginners genetic algorithm, ah, with the C language code for the program, especially useful for beginners.
- 主要是将matlab的神经网络工具箱改成C#语言,特别容易调用,易于提高效率-It will the matlab toolbox to neural network c#, especially easy to call, easy to improve efficiency
- FIRA机器人足球比赛,功能齐全,尤其是进攻方面比较好,参加比赛的选手可以-FIRA robot soccer, the function is all ready, especially the offensive is better, participate in the competition of player can have a look
- 基于FCM的信号分类算法,模式识别领域的重要算法之一,特别适用于有周期特征的-The signal classification based on FCM algorithm, the important field of pattern recognition algorithms, especially for a period characterized by
- DOT算法,dot of template,用于在线识别物体,尤其是对纹理比较简单的物体的在线检测,效果比较明显,比如玻璃瓶,手机等物体-DOT algorithm, dot of template, for online object recognition, especially for relatively simple objects, the texture of online testing, the effect is more obvious, such as glass bot
- 粒子滤波的文章,讲述了网络移动机器人粒子滤波定位研究,提供了有助于思考的想法和实现。 -Self-localization,especially the global localization in which the initial pose of the robot is unknown,is the key for a mobile robot to realize autonomy.