- 人工智能中模糊逻辑算法 FuzzyLib 2.0 is a comprehensive C++ Fuzzy Logic library for constructing fuzzy logic systems with multi-controller support. It supports all commonly used shape functions and hedges, with full support for the various types of Aggreg
- This software was done in part for a textbook on AI I ve written called _The Basis of AI_ (tentative title, subject to change but not if I get my way). For details see: http://www.mcs.com/~drt/basisofai.html
- Bayes分类器——算法设计 1. 使用决策树(Decision tree)分类算法、朴素贝叶斯(Naï ve Bayes)算法或者K-近邻(kNN)算法(三者任选其一)对给定的训练数据集构造分类器,并在测试数据集上进行分类预测。 2. 数据集描述: Tic-tac-toe游戏的二叉分类。Tic-tac-toe游戏示例如下-Bayes classifier- Algorithm 1. Using the decision tree (Decision tree) classi
- 自己编写的自适应遗传算法,改进算法后,计算速度提高已经试过有效应好-I have written self-adaptive genetic algorithm, to improve the algorithm, the computing speed of' ve tried to be good and effective
- 我做的关于一个神经网络的课件,请过目看看!-I' ve done on a neural network courseware, please look over to see! Thanks
- the winter entity of one of the most popular iphone magazines. i ve scanned it myself, hope you enjoy it!
- 游戏程序的人工智能实现,对游戏编写比较有参考价值-I think you’re going to find that it just might be one of the most useful books on game programming that you’ve ever picked up.
- 这是我见过最好的神经网络仿真,附带说明文档,请各位指正。-This is the best I' ve seen the neural network simulation, with documentation, please correct me.
- 1.1. 支援的功能 Supports the Roku SoundBridge (query/browse/index support) Supports periodic rescans of the database Can advertise shoutcast streams Supports password-protected shares Is web-configurable and managable Support dynamic playlists
- 采用时序分析和BP神经网络,建立了基于时序-神经网络的车辆变速器齿轮故障诊断系统。通过 对车辆变速器齿轮运行状态特征信号进行时序分析和特征向量提取,并以此作为BP神经网络的输入向量进行网 络训练,从而实现变速器齿轮运行状态的识别与故障诊断。该系统应用于LC5T81变速器齿轮的故障诊断中,能 够比较准确地识别与诊断出变速器齿轮的跑合运行状态、磨损运行状态和故障运行状态。验证表明该诊断系统有 效、可行。 -Fault Diagnosis of Vehicle Transmissi
- 采用时序分析和BP神经网络,建立了基于时序-神经网络的车辆变速器齿轮故障诊断系统。通过对车辆变速器齿轮运行状态特征信号进行时序分析和特征向量提取,并以此作为BP神经网络的输入向量进行网络训练,从而实现变速器齿轮运行状态的识别与故障诊断。该系统应用于LC5T81变速器齿轮的故障诊断中,能够比较准确地识别与诊断出变速器齿轮的跑合运行状态、磨损运行状态和故障运行状态。验证表明该诊断系统有效、可行。 -Fault Diagnosis of Vehicle Transmission Gear Base
- 采用时序分析和BP神经网络,建立了基于时序-神经网络的车辆变速器齿轮故障诊断系统。通过对车辆变速器齿轮运行状态特征信号进行时序分析和特征向量提取,并以此作为BP神经网络的输入向量进行网 络训练,从而实现变速器齿轮运行状态的识别与故障诊断。该系统应用于LC5T81变速器齿轮的故障诊断中,能 够比较准确地识别与诊断出变速器齿轮的跑合运行状态、磨损运行状态和故障运行状态。验证表明该诊断系统有 效、可行。 -Based on time series analysis and BP neu
- 采用时序分析和BP神经网络,建立了基于时序-神经网络的车辆变速器齿轮故障诊断系统。通过对车辆变速器齿轮运行状态特征信号进行时序分析和特征向量提取,并以此作为BP神经网络的输入向量进行网 络训练,从而实现变速器齿轮运行状态的识别与故障诊断。该系统应用于LC5T81变速器齿轮的故障诊断中,能 够比较准确地识别与诊断出变速器齿轮的跑合运行状态、磨损运行状态和故障运行状态。验证表明该诊断系统有 效、可行。 -Based on time series analysis and BP neu
- Write a program to solve the systems of linear equations via Gauss-Seidel method, one of the iterative-method strategies produce a sequence of approximate solution vectors for the system. And compare this with the naï ve Gaussian elimination meth
- 新一代高性能无人机飞控系统的研究与设计 张小林 赵宇博 范力思-I n o r de r t o cau se t he U A V f lig ht co nt r o l sy st e m has t he f o r mida ble da t a- ha ndling ca pa cit y , t h e lo w po we r lo ss , t he st r o ng f le x ibilit y an d a hig he r int e g r at io n
- 协同微粒群算法,期中举例了几种微粒群社会学习模型,We call these ve mechanisms, respectively, Reciprocity, Vicinity, Kin, Reputation, and Anybody.-Example several particle swarm cooperative particle swarm optimization, mid-term social learning model, We call these ve mecha
- We dene ve cooperation mechanisms in Particle Swarm Optimisation, loosely inspired by some models occurring in nature, and based on two quan- tities: a help matrix, and a reputation vector. We call these ve mechanisms, respectively, Reciproc
- 包括无监督和监督的机器学习技术 • K-means and other clustering tools • Neural Networks • Decision trees and ensemble learning • Naï ve Bayes Classification • Linear, logistic and nonlinear regression-Highlights include unsu
- 贝叶斯分类算法是统计学的一种分类方法,它是一类利用概率统计知识进行分类的算法。在许多场合,朴素贝叶斯(Naï ve Bayes,NB)分类算法可以与决策树和神经网络分类算法相媲美.- Bayesian classification algorithm is a statistical classification method, which is a kind of knowledge to classify the use of probabilistic algorithms.
- NSGA (No n- Do mina te d So r ting in Ge ne tic Alg o r ithms [5 ]) is a p o pula r no n-do mina tio n ba s e d g e ne tic a lg o r ithm fo r multi- o b je c tive o ptimiz a tio n. I t is a ve r y e ff e c tive a lg o r ithm but ha s b e e n g