- The ICA/BSS algorithms are pure mathematical formulas, powerful, but rather mechanical procedures: There is not very much left for the user to do after the machinery has been optimally implemented. The successful and efficient use of the ICALAB stron
- 指纹识别 这个是TOOLBOX,别人写的。。主要用来识别指纹的处理。。 此文件没有解压密码-Fingerprint Recognition of this is TOOLBOX, written by someone else. . Mainly used to identify fingerprint processing. . This document does not extract passwords
- UDP对QQ来说太重要了。 UDP和TCP是同一个层上的协议,都是通过IP层进行数据。。。 算啦,不扯这些了。 UDP针对的是不需要保证数据一定传输到的一种协议。因为IP 本身是会被随意丢弃的,所以TCP为确保数据可靠,会消耗大量的 资源,而且Socket架上去以后会出于保持链接的一种结构。 QQ本身不保持链接,数据是否可靠自己去验证,而且QQ里的数据 都是小包,尤其适应UDP的结构。最后对于multicast来说,UDP 是唯一可行的降低网络带宽负担的协议-UDP right QQ is so
- Life32 is a program to animate an manipulate cellulair automa akin to Conway s Game of Life (GoL). 一个国外模拟生命细胞活动的小程序,我到现在还是搞得不是很懂,大家看看吧-Life32 is a program to animate an automa manipulate cellulair Conway s akin to the Game of Life (GoL). A life a
- 完整的c++指纹识别系统源码,来自网上,我还没有验证-Complete c++ Fingerprint Identification System source code, from the Internet, I have not verify
- 蚁群算法的模拟实现 安装JDK,配置环境变量,导入项目,一般情况下直接保存、运行ant.UI即可启动程序。如果不能运行,将文件夹下的swt.jar加入构建路径,然后在运行中的JVM参数中加入-Djava.library.path="dll所在目录的绝对路径"即可。 也可以在命令行下直接运行该程序,假设文件夹放在D盘跟目录。则在cmd下切换到文件夹下,运行如下命令即可启动程序。-Simulation and Realization of ant colony algorithm
- It is more than 10 years since the first tentative experiments in ear biometrics were conducted and it has now reached the “adolescence” of its development towards a mature biometric. Here we present a timely retrospective of the ensuing rese
- 这是nlm 的使用,其中代码部分不是我写的,我只是加入一个输入输出而已-This is the nlm of use, which is not part of the code I wrote, I just add an input output only
- Stretches contrast on the image and normalize image from 0 to 1 The main difference of this function to the standard streching functions is that standard function finds global minimum and maximum on the image, then uses some low and high
- 使用阈值法对脉搏信号的峰值进行提取,并且通过提取信号的峰值求脉搏信号的周期,并且简单判断脉搏信号的峰值是否可用。-Useing Threshold to extrack the peak of the pulse signal extraction, and determine the peak of the pulse signal whether is not available.
- 分子模拟软件fDynamo v2.2 的源程序 - ! ! fDynamo v2.2- a program for performing molecular simulations. ! Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Martin J. Field ! !=========================================================================
- 遗传算法(Genetic Algorithm)是一类借鉴生物界的进化规律(适者生存,优胜劣汰遗传机制)演化而来的随机化搜索方法。它是由美国的J.Holland教授1975年首先提出,其主要特点是直接对结构对象进行操作,不存在求导和函数连续性的限定;具有内在的隐并行性和更好的全局寻优能力;采用概率化的寻优方法,能自动获取和指导优化的搜索空间,自适应地调整搜索方向,不需要确定的规则。-Genetic Algorithm (Genetic Algorithm) is a kind of referen
Shunt active filter sorce code
- Active filters are being increasingly considered as a viable alternative to passive filters for meeting harmonic distortion limits. The three phase configuration based on a voltage source configuration is the most widely proposed topology. However it
- 虽然对蚁群算法的研究时间不长, 但是初步研究已显示出它在求解复杂优化问题方面具有很大的优势, 特别是1998 年在比利时布鲁塞尔专门召开了第一届蚂蚁-Although research on ant colony algorithm is not long, but preliminary studies have shown that it has a great advantage in solving complex optimization problems, in particular
- Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock-Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It ha
- 该文件详细介绍了蚁群算法,不仅有代码,还有数据,并且还附带蚁群算法的介绍PPT,很有用的,是学习的好算法。-Ant colony algorithm was introduced in detail the file, not only the code, and data, and also with ant colony algorithm is introduced PPT, very useful, is good to learn algorithm.
- 一些关于微生物燃料电池的英文文献,在网上不能免费下载。-Some of the English literature on microbial fuel cells can not be downloaded free of charge online.
- VC++利用Hook钩子实现的阴影菜单,不要误认为是Winodws系统自带的阴影菜单,仔细看你就会发现两者是不一样的,一样令人羡慕不已,尤其是使用钩子实现,相信对VC++编程者来说,有空的时候还是要看一下哦!虽然大家对这种效果已经司空见惯了,但实现起来没有想像的那么简单,因此具有参考价值。- 145/5000 VC++lìyòng Hook gōu zǐ shíxiàn de yīnyǐng càidān, bùyào wù rènwéi shì Winodws xìtǒng zì dà