- 共监狱用,音频矩阵牌子不知道,已用在重庆市某监狱使用,方便效果很好-with a total prison, audio matrix brands do not know, we have spent in a prison in Chongqing Municipality used to facilitate good results
- 大学数据库原理的课程设计,没有太多的独创,但是希望对同样在做课程设计的同学有所借鉴 另一个同学交的-University of database theory of curriculum design, not many of the original, but I hope to do the same in the curriculum design students from the other students have to pay
- 公交查询系统用VC及acsess开发,功能较全面,由于时间仓促,没有作太多的完善-Bus Inquiry System VC and acsess development, a more comprehensive functional, limited time not too much for the perfection
- 摩托车销售管理系统 功能: 1--进货管理,你的商品可以依次按 代号,名称,简称,类型,数量,价格 的顺序进行记录,可以是新产品,也可以对旧产品进行追加 2--价格查询,你可以不必记住一大串的价格,只须输入商品的代号和简称即可查询 3--修改价格、数量,当某种商品的价格、数量有变动时,你可以及时进行修改 4--销售管理,可以方便的找出要卖出的商品,自动增减库存,并计算每次出货的总价格 5--保存文件,你可以把你输入的商品信息保存成文件格式,永
- 航运订票系统:若剩余票数足够, 则可以进行直接订票, 若不够可进行,候补订票, 当有人退票时, 就从候补名单中选取合适者进行订票。 -shipping booking system : If the remaining votes enough, they can direct booking, if not available, alternate booking, When someone Refund, from the list of alternates were selected s
- 税控加油机文件,只能实现普通税控加油,不包含ic卡部分-documents tanker documents, documents can only be achieved ordinary refueling and does not contain part of id cards
- 这是汽车速度控制系统的设计方案,注释不是很多,但是比较简单明白,可以看的懂-This is the vehicle speed control system design, the Notes are not many, but relatively simple to understand, can see to understand
- 一个关于pid控制器的设计工具,因为是英文的,暂时小弟没有看懂,欢迎大家下载学习学习,看着貌似不错的。-one of the pid controller design tools, because English is the younger brother did not understand the time being, Welcome to download learn from, watching the seemingly good.
- 火车票预定系统,这是我的课程设计,但由于时间的关系,某些功能还不够完善,但已能完成了基本功能,如查询,预定。-ticket reservation systems, it is my curriculum design, but because of time, certain features are not perfect enough, but has been able to complete the basic functions, such as inquiries, schedul
- 该程序不能实现全程售票,所以需要使用者通过算法来实现该功能-the whole ticketing process can not be achieved, there is a need by users of the algorithm to achieve functional
- 学校要求的作业,不是很详细但是觉得应该够用,谢谢大家指教-operational requirements of the school, not in great detail but we should use it, thank you enlighten
- 电影院的售票系统的基本功能。可以根据买票人的身份进行是否打折判断。预定座位、场次及电影,Cinema ticketing system' s basic functions. People can buy a ticket discount to determine whether or not the identity. Reserve a seat, and film screenings
- 基于UML的汽车安全带提示控制系统建模. 设计要求: 若未系安全带,亮红灯提示; 车辆行驶速度小于10km/h,红灯不闪烁,蜂鸣器不发声;大于10km/h,红灯闪烁,蜂鸣器发声,但是行驶时间超过5分钟,则蜂鸣器停止发声,红灯亮,不闪烁。 倒车时,红灯灭 系上安全带,红灯灭-UML-based control system modeling of vehicle seat belt tips. Design requirements: If you do not wear se
- 网上竟然没有一个汽车诊断协议kwp2000的实现。本人写了一个kwp2000-3(数据链路层)的实现,希望对开发汽车诊断协议的人员有帮助。-Online there is not even a car diagnostic protocol kwp2000 implementation. I wrote a kwp2000-3 (data link layer) the realization of the hope that an agreement on the development of
- 招投标软件代码,很有应用价值,请大家参考下哦,不明白的地方给我留言-Bidding software code, it is the application of value, please refer to the next Oh, do not understand where to me Message
- meshles是不采用网格,生成局部函数的程序!-meshles grid are not used to generate a local function of the program!
- 自己做的电子报程序 兼容FIREFOX DIV+CSS排版 解决了FIREFOX下鼠标经过图片热区红边框不显示的问题-Make their own electronic reporting procedures compatible FIREFOX DIV+ CSS layout FIREFOX mouse to solve the hot zone after picture does not show the red border of the problem
- 飞机起飞性能计算,确定飞机的起飞性能,包括滑跑距离、起飞距离、起飞时间、离地速度,气动修正考虑了收放起落架、襟翼的影响,但未考虑地面效应.-Aircraft take-off performance calculations to determine the aircraft s takeoff performance, including the roll distance, takeoff distance, takeoff time, off speed, the amendment ta
- 航班管理,这个代码不是原创,供大家参考。(可能有些瑕疵)-Flight management, the code is not original, for reference
- 拥有四条通路的转盘路口排队模型模拟。相邻路口的弧形段假设为一容量有限的队列。到达为泊松分布,不考虑车长的堵塞影响-Four channels have lined up at the junction of the turntable model. Paragraph of the arc adjacent to the junction is assumed to be a queue with limited capacity. The reach follow the Poisson d