- 140 C language program, so you do not buy books
- FCK editor是一个HTML/DHTML编辑器,用于 ASP, ASP.NET, PHP, 和 Javascr ipt ,它给Web带来了很多著名的桌面编辑器(如Word)的强大功能性。它非常轻便,不需要客户机上的任何类型的安装。-FCK editor is a HTML/DHTML editor, uses in ASP, ASP.NET, PHP, with Javascr ipt, it has brought the very many renowned tabletop edi
- 采用首次适应法、最佳适应法或最差适应法,编写一内存分配和回收模拟程序。 动态地随机产生新的“内存分配”或“内存回收”请求,再按照你选定的分配算法修改这个数组。由于这个实验的重点在于内存分配,所以不考虑与某内存区相关的进程情况。-used first to adapt, adapt best or the worst adaptation law, the preparation of a memory allocation and recovery simulation program. Dyn
- 现在家庭藏书越来越多,为了有效的管理和使用,写了这个程序,因为本人家里图书很多,有朋友借书自己不一定记得,这个软件帮你管理,利用oo设计。-books now more and more families, for effective management and use of this procedure was made, because a lot of my books home, a friend of the library itself is not necessarily rem
- 在网上很多SPCOMM组件下载安装后都无法显示,这个是我找了很久才找到可以用的一个,一定要先把文件夹复制到LIB文件夹下再安装才会在组件面板SYSTEM中出现一个红色的组件-SPCOMM many of the Internet to download and install components that can not be displayed after all, this is what I look for a long time before they can find the on
- 这是一个学生成绩管理系统,有部分功能还不完善,以后会慢慢更新的:)-This is a performance management system for students, some function is not perfect, the future will gradually updated :)
- 求算24点是一个极为有趣的大众智力游戏,深得许多人的喜欢。但你有没有遇到过求不出解的情况呢?是自己没有想出来还是确实无解?很难判断吧!有没有想过用电脑来求解呢。如果你有一点点VB的基础,那就让我们一起来看看该怎样用VB来求算24点吧。-calculating 24 is a very interesting public intellectual games, won many people like it. But you have never met before seeking solut
- 这是一个ELF文件的分析工具,还没有写全,可以作为一个ELF文件格式学习的入门工具。-ELF This is a document of analysis tools had not been all that can be used as an ELF file format study entry tools.
- 很多ASP代码编写着都会遇到,当提交表单或URL中的信息太多,写Request.Form等语句会很麻烦。有时甚至要写几十个之多。如果可以直接输入变量就自动的写出Rs(),Request.Form(),Request.Querystring()等语句。将大大减轻编写着的负担! 还有时候可能需要这些格式语句中的变量,一个个的选中再复制也同样非常烦人。如果可以自动把这些Rs(),Request.Form(),Request.Querystring()等格式语句中的变量提取出来,那是多么领ASP
- 这是我从网上下的一个病毒源码。不是我自己写的,不要说我侵权哦,我现在是个菜鸟。学好了,一定和大家分享我的劳动成果。-from the Internet under a virus source. Instead I wrote it myself, not that I infringement Oh, I was a birdie. Master, and we will share the results of my labor.
- 很多人不会在windows里编译htk,因此所有htk3.2.1的程序在windows里编译了一次,可以在命令窗口下直接使用这些指令.-many people will not compile the windows Lane HTK, all the procedures htk3.2.1 windows Lane compiler, the one window in order to use them under direct orders.
- 改进的黑白棋程序,不仅实现了黑白棋基本的游戏功能和规则,还在网络对战上做了开发.开发环境JAVA-improved procedures, reversi not realize the basic functions of the game and rules, but also the stages of development done. Java Development Environment
- 这是一个可以检测C++程序中是否有内存泄漏的类,并给出了应用实例-This is a C program can detect whether or not there is a memory leak of categories, and gives examples of the application
- 在DOS下運\行的程序,功能很強大,用來更改大小寫,不是rename的寫法 -under the DOS operating procedures, functions very powerful, case-insensitive to changes, the wording is not rename
- 本程序用于自顶向下的语法分析。只您输入的上下问无关文法进行分析,并构造出预测分析表。-procedure for the top-down syntax analysis. Only you enter the ministry asked not grammar analysis and structural analysis projected table.
- A Program to check enterd number is palindromic or not
- labview编写的拼图,3*3,此程序中主要使用了一个条件结构,通过枚举量来控制条件结构运行的分支,分别是初始化,检测按钮的输入,对图形进行变化,完成和获胜几个分支。尤其要注意的是产生的随机序列不都是可解的,验证部分是尤为关键的-labview write puzzles, 3* 3, this procedure is mainly use the structure of a condition, by enumerating the amount of control the branc
- 不让重复运行本程序,如果有就自动退出。主要运用创建事件同步对象-Will not let you run the program repeatedly on automatically exit
- LED显示控件(不带点的),用于模拟数码管显示。-LED display control (not a little)
- 不开机网页挂3GQQ,不用上手机,以后再也不用担心流量不够用,,真正实现全天在线-Boot pages the hang 3GQQ, not on the phone, and never have to worry about traffic is not enough to realize the all-day online