- 基于大型机的秉性运算程序实现的是用多个agent对多任务的调度。程序实现的还不够成熟,请高手指教!-mainframe-based computing in the city's program is more than the agent scheduling multiple tasks. The program also not mature enough, experts advise!
- 包括 检验一个字符是不是数字 将一个字符数组转换成其对应的数字 获得一个合法的数字 -to include a number of characters is not a character array will be converted into the corresponding figure was a legitimate Digital
- 这个是Windows版本,不是Linux版本 Netbula RPC for Win32 supports multithreading, this document describe the procedure to build multithreaded (MT) RPC server and clients-this is the Windows version, not Netbula RPC Linux version supports multi for Win32 thread
- 昨天在论坛上看到有人帖出了他写的并串转换VHDL代码,但是他自己说有问题,但是不知道怎么改。我大概看了一下,发现思路还是比较乱的。于是就写下了我自己的并串转换代码。-yesterday at the forum see someone points out his writing and string conversion VHDL code, But he said there are problems, but does not know how reform. I probably wat
- 指派问题(非匈牙利算法),用matlab编的,不是原创-assignment (Hungary algorithm), using Matlab series, not originality
- C#的程序,一个初学者可以看的程序,对高级程序编写者是没有必要的,是关于银行问题的-C# procedures, a beginner can see the procedure, the authors of the High procedure is not necessary. on the banks issue
- 一些初学者可以看的程序,本人因才疏学浅,刚学C#,对C#还不了解,不过有一定的C基础,-beginners can see some of the procedures, because I have little talent and less learning, just learning C#, the C# do not really understand, However, there is some basis of C,
- 基于最新一代通用GPU--Geforce8800,在CUDA平台上开发流体模拟程序,是基于GPU的通用计算应用在图形学领域的一个范例。由于该环境在国内不常见,并且支持模拟环境,保留了可执行文件作为参考。-based on the latest generation of common GPU -- Geforce8800. CUDA platform in the development of fluid simulation program, GPU is based on the gener
- 使用本软件,可计算出中小型工程三相短路电流。 若已确认但尚未进行下步计算之前,发现输入的支路类型或数据有误,可单击窗体另行输入。 计算三相短路电流时,请确认短路点编号及对应的网络平均电压。 双击窗体,可以打印出窗体上的图象。但,应将打印机预设为A4纸型,横向打印。 文件打印至硬盘,可用Word软件处理后存档及打印。 本软件不采用通常的网络变换。而先建立电导增广矩阵,解此矩阵即可求出各节点电位以及各支路电压降、电流。之后,方按不同电源类型,分别采用恒定电压或机组运转曲
- 打字计时练习,不但可以用于打字,而却能够测出所用的时间。-typing practice time, not only can be used for typing, which is able to measure the time spent.
- How the K-mean Cluster work Step 1. Begin with a decision the value of k = number of clusters Step 2. Put any initial partition that classifies the data into k clusters. You may assign the training samples randomly, or systematically as the f
- 由于一个数值问题的精确解往往事先不知道,而用数值方法求出的计算解的误差又是不可避免的。因此,数值解是否失真,如何判断──即误差问题,成为大家所关心的重要而又困难的问题,本章只介绍了误差的基本概念和数值计算的若干原则,这对处理数值计算问题是必需的,但是仅这些还远远不能解决工程和科学计算中更为复杂的误差分析问题,还需专门分门别类地进行研究。-as an accurate numerical solution of the problem often did not know in advance,
- 微粒群算法[PSO ] 是由Kennedy 和Eberhart等于1995 年开发的一种演化计算技术, 来源于对鸟群捕食过程的模拟。PSO同遗传算法类似,是一种基于叠代的优化工具,但与遗传算法使用遗传操作子进行优化不同,利用群体中各个体之间的“协作”与“竞争”关系,根据自身及其竞争者的飞行经验,调整自己的行为。同遗传算法比较,PSO的优势在于简单容易实现并且没有许多参数需要调整。目前已广泛应用于函数优化,神经网络训练,模糊系统控制以及其他遗传算法的应用领域。,Particle Swarm Opt
- 一个自己写的Hadoop MapReduce实例源码,网上看到不少网友在学习MapReduce编程,但是除了wordcount范例外实例比较少,故上传自己的一个。包含完整实例源码,编译配置文件,测试数据,可执行jar文件,执行脚本及操作步骤。学习完此例子后,你能掌握MapReduce基础编程,及如何编译Java文件,打包jar文件,编写shell执行脚本等。后续学习还可以参看本人的CSDN博客,如有问题也可以在线为你解答,不过本人也学习Hadoop不足一年,现学现卖而已,也可能力不能及,有些难的
- lattice isplever7竟然没有除法库,只好在网上找了老外写的vhdl除法器-lattice isplever7 Treasury did not divide, so the Internet to find a foreigner to write the VHDL divider
- 并行TIN生成算法, 基于DeWall算法理论实现,400000点在本人的T60上需40秒,当然不包括重合点处理时间。可能还有些问题,如发现请联系我,谢谢!-TIN parallel generation algorithm, based on the theory DeWall algorithm achieved 400,000 points in my T60 on the required 40 seconds, of course, does not include the coinc
- 一个办公室打牌不需要拿钱出来的 全靠软件记.不会错.下班在结帐-Playing cards do not need an office to take money out of mind depend on software. Wrong. Working in the checkout
- Why your files are not be used? 1.The content is too simple 2.Is not a sourcecode or document 3.lost some files 4.Descr iption is not detailed or not correct 5.Compressed file has password 6.Sourcecode duplicate or already exist
- Why your files are not be used? 1.The content is too simple 2.Is not a sourcecode or document 3.lost some files 4.Descr iption is not detailed or not correct 5.Compressed file has password 6.Sourcecode duplicate or already exist
- C++实现的稀疏矩阵类,可实现稀疏矩阵的存储计算等功能-Now, instead of using 2D, we will use doubly-linked lists to present sparse matrices. There are various methods of organizing doubly-linked-lists. We not only store elements of sparse matrices but also implement operations