- 一个很好的读写硬盘主引导区的程序. 适合于改进后做一键还原及BOOTMANAGER 等软件. -a good master boot drives to read and write the procedures. Suitable for improvement after doing a bond reduction and BOOTMANAGER software.
- 硬盘主引导扇区读写程序源代码,可用于读取硬盘主引导扇区的信息也可对其进行修改。-hard disk's master boot sector literacy program's source code can be used to read hard disk's master boot sector information may also make changes.
- 通过调用扩展int13,读出磁盘的分区信息,是汇编语言的课程设计。-by calling the expansion of int13, read out the disk partitioning information is a compilation of language curriculum design.
- eeprom的使用读写信息所需要的程序信号是24C02-EEPROM read and write information to the use of the procedures required for signal is 24C02
- 是计算机汇编的课程设计 用表格显示字符的实验 排版有点问题 从左往下读,再读右列的程序-is a compilation of computer programs designed for the characters shown in the table layout experiment evaluated some problems down time read it right out in the
- 设计题目:读写磁盘文件 设计要求:能正确执行对硬盘文件的读写 设计应用:熟练基本的汇编编程,为后来编程打基础。 设计思路:反复利用DOS系统功能调用,进行操作。-design topics : read and write disk file design requirements : the correct implementation of the document literacy drive design applications : a compilation of bas
- 8051 monitor programm: - use external ram to run user program - use eeprom to save user program - provide single step debug, can read internal register and ram -8051 monitor programm : - use external ram to run user program - use eepro
- 这是一个汇编程序.用于查询字符串.希望有同好能阅读并优化这个程序.-This is a compilation process. For inquiries string. Want to have friends to read and optimization of this process.
- P89V51Rd2下的IAP flash读取,烧写,擦除子程序-P89V51Rd2 the IAP flash read, burning, erasing subroutine
- 用51 汇篇写的AD AD255转换程序 简洁易懂,调试完成。-Meeting with 51 articles written by AD AD255 conversion program easy to read, debug completed.
- Purpose: Contains example code to use a two-phase encoder with an ATmega2561. The encoder phases are connected to PORTF bits 0 & 1 and the switch is connected to PORTF bit 2. Timer 1 is configured to interrupt at 1024Hz. At startup, the enco
- 本程序由汇编语言设计: 功能分四大块: 1:Read Cmos message 读取一些Cmos 中的信息,并显示。 2: Show The Time 显示当前日期和时间。 3:Test the Key_Board 测试按键,每按一键,相应显示该键的Asci 码 和 Scan 码。 4:Math operation 由用户输入算术式,以 = 结束,相应在屏幕上显示结果。运算符号 包括 + , - , * , / 。 5:Escap
- Monkey,即猴子病毒传播硬盘和软盘的引导区,总长度为 01F4H(500字节),它将原引导记录加密后保存,在系统读出时先解密再送出,结果造成病毒不在内存中时,系统无法得到正常的引导记录,以至对所有硬盘分区无法访问。只有当从有病毒的盘启动时,才能正常访问硬盘。-Monkey, the monkey transmission of the virus hard disk and floppy disk boot sector with a total length of 01F4H (500
- 本源码可以用于读取一个文本文件中带字母的数据行,从而可以快捷的获取自己想得到的信息。-The source can be used to read a text file with a letter rows, so you can quickly access their desired information.
- 汇编语言读fram数据 便于阅读的好源码 希望对大家有用 -read fram data
- C++实现读写文件,使用自定义函数,和系统自带的函数实现-C++ read and write files, use the function to achieve self-defined functions, and the system comes with
- 将大量的数据读入到程序中供实际工程计算应用-Existing data is read into the program in supply with
- 利用matlab读取大端存储的SEGY文件-Use matlab to read big endian files stored SEGY
- 汇编ASM实现物理硬盘的读写操作,代码附有详细注释,外加一份硬盘的文档!-Assembler ASM achieve physical hard disk read and write operations, the code with detailed notes, plus a hard disk documentation!
- keil project for application for read ads1230 read and Displat 7-segment led