- MPI编程-Nbody问题并行程序(计算1000个天体的移动,天体数据由文件sample_input.in读入,结果输出到文件result1000.data)-MPI Programming-Nbody Parallel (1000 calculated the movement of celestial bodies, Objects sample_input.in data from the document read into, Results output to a file resul
- 基于GPU的通用计算,利用显存的cache是提高算法效率的重要方面,该例子是在CUDA环境下如何读取纹理的程序。-based GPU generic terms, the use of video memory cache is to improve the efficiency of the algorithm, The example is the CUDA environment how to read texture procedures.
- 讀取SLA檔案,計算全球每月海潮趨勢。(以1992年10月至2002年8月為例)-SLA read files, calculating the monthly tide of global trends. (From October 1992 to August 2002 as an example)
- ram的读写,使用状态机完成,两片ram实现乒乓操作,ram read and write, using the state machine completed, two ping-pong operation to achieve ram
- 多线程程序,以进行数据保护。程序打开一个text文件,线程按行从文件中读取数据同时计算每行的字母数为奇数和偶数的单词的个数,然后关闭文件,输出最后的结果。 -Multithreaded programs, for data protection. Program opens a text file, thread by line read from the file while in each of the line An odd number of letters and even the
- 串行程序。程序打开一个text文件,线程按行从文件中读取数据同时计算每行的字母数为奇数和偶数的单词的个数,然后关闭文件,输出最后的结果。 -Multithreaded programs, for data protection. Program opens a text file, thread by line read from the file while in each of the line An odd number of letters and even the number o
- 在C51下编写的93C46的读写程序,实现读写操作-C51programing 93c46,read and write.
- 读取文件,然后根据要求选择进程数,并行运算,最后在得出的各个结果中选出最大值-Read the file, and then asked to choose the number of processes, parallel computing, in the end all the results obtained to select the maximum
- 一款通过并口读写E2P的程序,支持24C01-24C512-E2P through a parallel port to read and write procedures to support the 24C01-24C512
- 用VC++实现的对并行计算和进化计算中分类问题,读取数据文件的源程序-With VC++ Achieved on parallel computing and evolutionary computation in the classification of the source data file to read
- 应用卫星导航数据计算卫星地心坐标; 读Rinex星历文件;-Application of satellite navigation data satellite geocentric coordinates Rinex ephemeris read documents
- 并行计算程序 Descr iption: This program blurs an image file in a parallelized computation The root process reads the file and distributes a part of the image file to other processes. Each process makes the filter operation on the part of the image
- 来自startup的垂直搜索引擎http://www.kosmix.com/的开源项目,又一个开源的类似google mapreduce 的分布式文件系统,可以应用在诸如图片存储、搜索引擎、网格计算、数据挖掘这样需要处理大数据量的网络应用中。与hadoop集成得也比较好,这样可以充分利用了hadoop一些现成的功能,基于C++。-Applications that process large volumes of data (such as, search engines, grid compu
- 介绍了cuda的发展,开发,以及编程方法,是cuda初学者必读之lecture-Introduced the cuda development, development, and programming methods, the lecture is a must-read for beginners cuda
- Program to read file and execute an matrix process from a source process with Command Line Output. Just a simple MPICH based program
- 把存储在缓冲区的数据取出并进行计算 缓冲区如何存储数据以及读取方式-To the data stored in the buffer and calculated out how to store data buffer and read mode
- 一本关于高性能计算的好书,国外大牛写的,通俗易懂,全面而不繁琐。读懂它你就能写好自己的算法-A good book on high performance computing, foreign, Daniel, and user-friendly, comprehensive but not cumbersome. Read it you will be able to write their own algorithms
- IC read and wire soft -this is IC read and write
- Linked List and Array Read String and print them
- 读写两幅图并计算前后两幅图中的标记点间的距离-Read and write two images and calculate the two figures before and after the distance between markers