- 因为151即是一个质数又是一个回文数(从左到右和从右到左是看一样的),所以 151 号是回文质数。 写一个程序来找出范围[a,b](5 <= a < b <= 100,000,000)间的所有回文质数 -The number 151 is a prime palindrome because it is both a prime number and a palindrome (it is the same number when read forward as backw
- 能够在手机里读取XML的源码程序,实现XML文件的读取。-read XML
- 通过OpenGl ES 实现对GIF文件的读取并显示,read the gif file by the opengl es
- IPhone编程,sdk3.0新特性,支持读取本机音乐目录并播放音乐-IPhone programming, sdk3.0 new features and support local music directory to read and play music
- 能够读取DPX图像文件中的头文件信息,包括文件大小、图像指针偏移、宽高比、创建时间-read DPX file header info,including file size, image offset, width&height and so on
- 数据库读写部分核心代码实现怎么上传需要FMDB 的支持-Part of the core of the database to read and write code to achieve how to upload FMDB support
- 讀取系統SMBus下的Light Sensor Deceive (TSL2560,TSL2561),並且可以利用SIO (W83627) GPIO 開啟電源 (燈泡)-SMBus read the system under the Light Sensor Deceive (TSL2560, TSL2561), and can use the SIO (W83627) GPIO open the power supply (bulb)
- mac下一个很好的阅读工具,可以打开windows下的.chm电子书,直接下载免费使用。-mac to read a very good tool, you can open the windows under the. chm e-books, download free of charge.
- iPhone Human Interface Guidelines.pdf Read this document to learn about the range of application types you can develop for iPhone OS and the human interface design principles that inform all great software. In this document you also learn how
- 读取iphone上的字体列表,可以预览iphone的所有字体-read font info list in iphone
- This the file header for a DBF. We do this special layout with everything // packed so we can read straight from disk into the structure to populate it-This is the file header for a DBF. We do this special layout with everything // packe
- 存储和读取文件,非常轻松的轻易地创建,修改,读取本地plist文件-It help you easily create, read, write the plist file.
- 一个音乐播放的小例子。没有实现太多的功能。如果你希望有更多的功能,可以自己去写一写。如果不会,可以去参考objective-c语言或者xcode的官方开发文档。-a MP3 player,it just a sample example。other founctions need yourself to write。 if you cannot write please read the book objective-c or read the help documents on the x
- Object-C ForXML .XML reslove,XML read XML write.etc-Object-C ForXML
- 很好的一个阅读pdf的源码,用于iphone、ipad开发。-This is a very good software to read pdf, and is used for developing iphone or ipad program
- Audio Queue读取内容到内存中,适用于VOIP等技术-Audio Queue read content into memory, for VOIP and other technologies
- Mac下使用IOKitLib对CDRom设备进行枚举的实例。 同时展示了如何打开读取原始sector并关闭的操作。-Command-line tool demonstrating how to use IOKitLib to find CD-ROM media mounted on the system. It also shows how to open, read raw sectors from, and close the drive.
- Objective-C 基础图书 iPod 开发语言 iOS 4 in Action 源码-Objective-C Fundamentals is an introductory book, intended to complement other books focused on iPhone and iPad application development such as iOS 4 in Action. While many books have been writte
- 实现简单的TableView和plist读写,每个cell的高度随内容的多少而改变。-The TableView and plist to read and write, the height of each cell with the content of change.
- 文件读操作,写操作,http请求url,接收等操作的ios应用-File read and write operations, http request url, operations such as ios applications received