- With the accelerate implementation of information and the rapid development of e-commerce and e-government, the network security is of great significance. Now people are more concerned about how to ensure working at a trusted network environment. In
- 2007年全国电子设计大赛获赛作品论文。,2007 Design Competition by the National e-paper game works.
- Anti-jamming of GPS receiver is an important problem, navigation war, and this topic has been well researched recently. However, anti-jamming in the complex receiving environment has not been considered in the most of the researches. To solve this pr
dSPACE Based Implementation of PID Controller for Buck Converter
- In this paper output voltage of chosen buck DC – DC converter is regulated at nominal output voltage of 13 volts under [1] under supply disturbance of 20 to 25 volt and vice versa [2] under load disturbance of 28 to 50 ohms and vice versa. The perfor
An all SiC MOSFET High Performance PV Converter Cell
- Recent studies have pointed out the benefits of using Silicon Carbide (SiC) devices in photo-voltaic power conversion. In Particular, SiC Power MOSFET technology has greatly advanced over the last years and has presently reached sufficient maturity t
Reconstructing Plants in 3D from a Single Image Using Analysis-by-Synthesis
- 成熟的计算机视觉技术允许重建 从图像中挑战3D对象。然而,由于高度的复杂性 植物拓扑中,用于生成三维植物模型的专用方法 必须设计。我们建议使用 一种综合分析方法,混合来自单一图像的信息 以及对植物种类的先验知识。 首先,我们专用的骨架算法从叶子分割中生成一个可能的分支结构。然后,一个3D生成模型, 建立了考虑植物知识的分支系统参数模型。生成的骨架遵循 自然分支结构的层次结构。的一个实例 可以生成一个3D模型。的变参数值 生成模型(植物和树叶的主要分枝结构),我们 生产一系列
Applying Periodic Boundary Conditions in Finite Element Analysis
- Periodic boundary conditions (PBC) are a set of boundary conditions that can be used to simulate a large system (i.e. bulk material) simply by modeling a finite Representive Volume Element (RVE). PBC has been favored among many researchers and practi
Dynamical behavior and application in Josephson Junction coupled by memristor
- With the burst of a Wanna decryptor [1] in the middle of 2017, secure communication within a network [2] has again triggered the considerable attention. Meanwhile, many feasible methods have been proposed to enhance the data security and it is also
- A MEMS apparatus with dynamic displacement control includes a MEMS parallel plate capacitor integrated with one or more memristors in a series configuration wherein a displacement is observable as a function of memristance, such that an upper ele
Development and Analysis of Three layered Conductor for improved se final
- The Electromagnetic environment is an integral part of the world in which we live. Various apparatus such as radio and television broadcast stations, communication transmitters, and other radar and navigational aids radiate electromagnetic energy dur
ADMIRE (Aero-Data Model In a Research Environment)
- The simulations provided for this book are based on original code named ADMIRE (Aero-Data Model In a Research Environment). It was created by the Swedish Defence Research Agency (Svensk Försvarets forskningsinstitut, FOI). At the time of this writi