- 图象处理源代码集 图像分割是图像处理、模式识别、计算机视觉等领域中极为重要的内容之一,是实现自动图像分析时首先需要完成的操作。它是根据图像的某些特征或特征集合的相似性准则,对图像像素进行分组聚类,把图像平面划分为一系列有意义的区域,使其后的图像分析及识别等高级处理阶段所要处理的数据量大大减少,同时又保留有关图像结构特征的信息。由于分割中出现的误差会传播至高层次处理阶段,因此分割的精确程度是至关重要的。-image processing source code is a set image s
- map identification laquo yuan Problem descr iption : the digital image processing of an image often expressed as a macute M pixel matrix. Each pixel value is 0 or 1. The value of 0 pixel image, said background, and the value of a pixel image, said a
- * 函数名称: * Fourier() * 参数: * LPSTR lpDIBBits - 指向源DIB图像指针 * LONG lWidth - 源图像宽度(象素数) * LONG lHeight - 源图像高度(象素数) * 返回值: * BOOL - 成功返回TRUE,否则返回FALSE。 * 说明: * 该函数用来对图像进行付立叶变换。-* Function name:* Fourier ()* parameters:* LPSTR l
- Google maps切割方法 每个切割的小图片是256*256(像素),常识来判断每个小图片代表的实际区域长宽之比应为2:1,但由于投影不同的存在,其实它是1:1 的,至于中间过程怎么处理的我也没搞明白。 关于51ditu -Google maps of each cutting method of cutting a small picture is 256* 256 (pixels), common sense to judge each picture on behalf
- 一种同时完成字符图像线段提取和细化的算法。在定义字符图像的线段区域、交点区域和子段区域,同时指出待细化字符图像是线段区域的集合的基础上,首先基于图像行(列)连通像素段来提取字符图像中所有的交点区域和子段区域,然后对属于同一线段区域的所有子段区域和交点区域进行合并,最后用Bernstein-Bezier多项式方法拟合每个线段区域的骨架 -At the same time, the image of a complete line of characters to extract and ref
- TFT PT0181216-A701 128 x 160 pixels
- 运动检测的目的是从序列图像中将变化区域提取出来。运动区域的有效分割对于目标分 类、跟踪和行为理解等后期处理非常重要,因为后期处理过程仅仅考虑图像中对应于运动区 域的像素。然而,由于背景图像的动态变化,如天气、光照、影子及混乱干扰等的影响,使 得运动检测成为一项相当困难的工作。-The purpose of motion detection from image sequence changes in the region will be extracted. Sports region segm
- RAiO RA8835A Dot Matrix LCD Controller Specification Version 1.0 February 7, 2007 RAiO Technology 现在很多液晶屏控制芯片都采用RAIO的,这个PDF可以做为编写液晶屏的参考文件-The RA8835A is a controller IC that can display text and graphics on LCD panel. It can display l
- Spatial registration of multidate or multisensor images is required for many applications in remote sensing, such as change detection, the construction of image mosaics, DEM generation from stereo pairs, and orthorectifi cation. Registration
- The OpenCV "Video Surveillance" facility, also called "blob tracker" through much of the code, is a simple but practical facility intended to track moving foreground objects against a relatively static background. Conceptually it consists of a three-
- Interface for display lds194/2 128*160 pixels.controle st3372
- This paper presents a new human skin color model in YCbCr color space and its application to human face detection. Skin colors are modeled by a set of three Gaussian clusters, each of which is characterized by a centroid and a covariance matr
- A Perceptually Attentive Super-Resolution (PASR) method is presented to significantly reduce the computational complexity of iterative super-resolution algorithms without loss of the desired perceptual quality. A perceptual model based on just
- 汽车防撞,技术路径不外:1.雷达测距防撞;2.视差测距防撞。前者,一旦保有量较大,必定遭遇互相干扰问题;后者,以前主要问题是,算法复杂,实时性差。 本文公开了一种新算法(已申请发明专利),主要运算可以借助硬件组合逻辑模块并行执行,可以极大提高视差测距的实时性,满足汽车防撞的要求。-(Background) Stereo matching, requires in two images to identify two pixels to be matched each other, i
- mixed pixel classification
- 用VC或Java实现K-means聚类算法,分别以迭代次数及分配不再发生变化为算法终止条件,用图片(自己选择)作为数据集,比较运行时间(画出时间与像素点的关系曲线图,因此须用多幅像素个数不同的图片进行实验),提交实验报告与源代码。-K-means clustering algorithm for algorithm termination conditions, with a picture (their choice) as a data set to compare the running
- The aim of the feature extraction stage is pixel characterization by means of a feature vector, a pixel representation in terms of some quantifiable measurements which may be easily used in the classification stage to decide whether pixels belong to
- 用于图像处理上的像素点之间相关性的计算,主要用于分析像素值之间的关联度。-For the calculation of the correlation between the pixels on the image processing
- 对某些相同灰度级成片连续出现的图像(如洪水图),行程编码也是一种高效的编码方法。特别是对二值图像,效果尤为显著。在一个逐行存储的图像中,具有相同灰度值的一些像素的序列,称为一个行程。-Appear in successive images of some of the same gray level into tablets (such as flood charts), the run length coding is an efficient coding method. In partic
- 由于光线分布不均匀或斑块噪音干扰等原因,往往使所要处理的指纹的灰 度值分布缺乏均匀性。在指纹特征自动识别提取过程中,造成许多传统的算法在局部出 现很大的误差。利用方差和均值特征的自动提取方法,首次对不均匀灰度图像进行自适 应分割。然后通过对图像分区域进行不同程度的自适应调整,使具有相同属性的像素单 元具有近似的灰度值分布。调整结果的灰度均匀水平与预先指定的调整精度成正比。这 种调整不仅提高了图像分割的自适应性,而且进一步扩大了一般阈值算法的应用领域。-Gray value d